Bay Breeze Cocktail Drink Recipe
Fill your mixing glass with your ingredients shake and strain over ice filled rocks glass
- 1 Vodka
- 2 oz pineapple juice
- 2 oz cranberry juice
The Bay Breeze has some nice familiar ingredients , Vodka , Cranberry and the cocktail worlds version of drink duct tape (pineapple juice). Shake the drink very well with ice and enjoy.
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[..YouTube..] WTF, he like almost spills the set!
WTF, he like almost spills the set!
[..YouTube..] 0:36 fail !!x0a0xa0ax0a0xa0xa
[..YouTube..] 0:36??? fail !!x0a0xa0ax0a0xa0xa
[..YouTube..] 0:36 fail??? !!x0a0xa0ax0a0xa0xa
[..YouTube..] 0:36 fail !!x0a0xa0ax0a0xa0xa???
0:36 fail !!x0a0xa0ax0a0xa0xa
[..YouTube..] He’s had a couple of these before the video!
[..YouTube..] He’s had a couple of these before the??? video!
[..YouTube..] He’s??? had a couple of these before the video!
[..YouTube..] He’s had a couple of??? these before the video!
[..YouTube..] He’s had a??? couple of these before the video!
He’s had a couple of these before the video!
[..YouTube..] That was a nice save at 0:36
That was a nice save at 0:36
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the comments.
Thanks for the comments.