About Bartending

About Bartending

A Bartender Job Description

The job description of a bartender is to mix and serve drinks and alcoholic beverages to the customers and patrons of the bar. It is the job of a bartender to know all there is to know about the beer, spirit and wine varieties and how to serve each of them. A bartender must also have the knowledge of making, mixing, and serving techniques such as shaking, muddling, stirring, and pouring.

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About BartendingBartender Job Placement

Bartender Jobs – Full or Part Time Careers

Establishments that have bars in them always need help, and the scheduling options may vary from full time to part time or even temporary employment. It then depends on your needs and preferences. But if you are a bartender and you want to know which option is the best for you between working full-time or part-time, we will clear that up in this article so, continue reading.

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About Bartending

Is Bartending a Good Job?

Bartending has evolved from what it was a decade ago into something that more people are getting more interested in it by the day. Decades ago, people became bartenders because they needed a temporary job until a real job came alone or as a side job as a college student. That narrative seems to be changing these days as many people are taking bartending up as a full career. They now see bartending as a marathon instead of a sprint.

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