Tequila Sunset
- 1 oz Tequila
- oz Blackberry Brandy
- Fill with orange juice
- build
- Garnish with a cherry
A nice twist on the a classic instead of using grenadine which has a cherry flavor, the black berry is more prominent. Not all bars have the black berry brandy but its worth a shot to try something different.
Like tequila, you’ll love this cocktail drink

[..YouTube..] wheres the sunrise?? don’t think he did a good job with the grenadine…as for??? ‘floating it’, dude it didn’t float it drowned
[..YouTube..] wheres the sunrise?? don’t think he did a good job with the grenadine…as for ‘floating it’, dude??? it didn’t float it drowned
[..YouTube..] wheres the sunrise?? don’t think??? he did a good job with the grenadine…as for ‘floating it’, dude it didn’t float it drowned
[..YouTube..] @theaaryanb screwdriver is??? with vodka
[..YouTube..] ALL drinks like this that have only one part of liquor are a standard 1 an a quarter ounce,,, moreover he put much more than his so called ounce or the spec 1 1/4…. way to much grenadine,,, his recipe calls for an splash of grenadine an he drowned that drink with it…. this guy is garbage,,, every drink i see him make is garbage,,,, this is why so many bartenders suck at there job, cause of instructors like him who learned how to make??? it one way 50 years ago an r to stubborn to learn more
[..YouTube..] ALL drinks like this that have only one part of liquor are a standard 1 an a quarter ounce,,, moreover he put much more than his so called ounce or the spec 1 1/4…. way to much grenadine,,,??? his recipe calls for an splash of grenadine an he drowned that drink with it…. this guy is garbage,,, every drink i see him make is garbage,,,, this is why so many bartenders suck at there job, cause of instructors like him who learned how to make it one way 50 years ago an r to stubborn to learn more
[..YouTube..] ALL drinks like this that have only one part of liquor are a standard 1 an a quarter ounce,,, moreover he??? put much more than his so called ounce or the spec 1 1/4…. way to much grenadine,,, his recipe calls for an splash of grenadine an he drowned that drink with it…. this guy is garbage,,, every drink i see him make is garbage,,,, this is why so many bartenders suck at there job, cause of instructors like him who learned how to make it one way 50 years ago an r to stubborn to learn more
[..YouTube..] ALL drinks like this that have only one part of liquor are a standard 1 an a quarter ounce,,, moreover??? he put much more than his so called ounce or the spec 1 1/4…. way to much grenadine,,, his recipe calls for an splash of grenadine an he drowned that drink with it…. this guy is garbage,,, every drink i see him make is garbage,,,, this is why so many bartenders suck at there job, cause of instructors like him who learned how to make it one way 50 years ago an r to stubborn to learn more
[..YouTube..] @theaaryanb??? screwdriver gets vodka genius
[..YouTube..] he??? should poor the grenadine with light hand down the side of the glass so the grenadine will land in bottom of the glass… ?
[..YouTube..] he should poor the grenadine with light hand down the side of the glass so the grenadine will land in bottom of the??? glass… ?
[..YouTube..] he should poor the grenadine with light hand down the side of??? the glass so the grenadine will land in bottom of the glass… ?
[..YouTube..] In fairness that isn’t real??? orange juice and probably isn’t real Grenadine either so it didnt float through the glass the way it normally would.
[..YouTube..] In fairness that isn’t??? real orange juice and probably isn’t real Grenadine either so it didnt float through the glass the way it normally would.
[..YouTube..] In fairness that isn’t real orange juice and probably isn’t real Grenadine either so??? it didnt float through the glass the way it normally would.
[..YouTube..] In fairness that isn’t real orange juice and probably isn’t real Grenadine either so it??? didnt float through the glass the way it normally would.
[..YouTube..] In the??? end he look at it like ” damn what a shit drink, Get me some vodka”
[..YouTube..] In the end he look at it like ” damn what a??? shit drink, Get me some vodka”
[..YouTube..] In the end he??? look at it like ” damn what a shit drink, Get me some vodka”
[..YouTube..] la granadina va primero… luego el jugo de naranja y luego el tequila… asi queda??? mejor
[..YouTube..] la granadina va primero…??? luego el jugo de naranja y luego el tequila… asi queda mejor
[..YouTube..] la granadina??? va primero… luego el jugo de naranja y luego el tequila… asi queda mejor
[..YouTube..] la granadina va primero… luego el jugo de naranja y luego el??? tequila… asi queda mejor
[..YouTube..] Lol, 0:02, “TEQUILIA” Sunrise?? haha???
[..YouTube..] Lol, 0:02, “TEQUILIA”??? Sunrise?? haha
[..YouTube..] @sheenza911 It’s called a sunrise because of what you see when you look at a PHOTO of a sunrise. The point where the sun touches the horizon (the bottom of the drink) is red, and the colour of??? the sky (the top) is orange.
[..YouTube..] @sheenza911 It’s called a sunrise because of what you see when you look at a??? PHOTO of a sunrise. The point where the sun touches the horizon (the bottom of the drink) is red, and the colour of the sky (the top) is orange.
[..YouTube..] @sheenza911 It’s called a sunrise because of what??? you see when you look at a PHOTO of a sunrise. The point where the sun touches the horizon (the bottom of the drink) is red, and the colour of the sky (the top) is orange.
[..YouTube..] @sheenza911 It’s called a sunrise because of what you see when you look at??? a PHOTO of a sunrise. The point where the sun touches the horizon (the bottom of the drink) is red, and the colour of the sky (the top) is orange.
[..YouTube..] tequila sunrisebloodshot??? eyes
[..YouTube..] did he just say that??? jose cuervo is a very good tequila? and mispronounce cuervo?
[..YouTube..] did he just say that jose??? cuervo is a very good tequila? and mispronounce cuervo?
[..YouTube..] did he just say that jose cuervo??? is a very good tequila? and mispronounce cuervo?
[..YouTube..] jose??? what?
[..YouTube..] What music is that???
[..YouTube..] jose cuvervo???
[..YouTube..] cherry and lime??? can be put on it as well
[..YouTube..] cherry and lime can be put on??? it as well
[..YouTube..] @motormouthcanstop So he’s garbage just ’cause there’s too much grenadine for your??? taste?
[..YouTube..] @motormouthcanstop So he’s garbage just ’cause there’s??? too much grenadine for your taste?
[..YouTube..] music??? sukcs!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] I’ll try and??? do better next time.
[..YouTube..] I’ll try and do better next??? time.
[..YouTube..] i would use….. jimador or cazadores…??? maybe patron
[..YouTube..] i??? would use….. jimador or cazadores… maybe patron
[..YouTube..] i would use…..??? jimador or cazadores… maybe patron
[..YouTube..] i would use….. jimador or cazadores… maybe patron???
[..YouTube..] i would use??? moonshine 😀
[..YouTube..] i would use moonshine??? 😀