Extra Dry Martini Gin Cocktail Drink Recipe
In a mixing cup full of ice add your gin and stir to 15-20 times to chill then strain ingredients into a chilled cocktail glass
- Pour 1/4 oz of dry Vermouth into a chilled cocktail glass swirl it around to coat the inside then pour it down the drain
- 2 oz Gin
- Garnish with an olive
- shake or build
This drink is a must to know as a bartender , it’s ordered all over the world. Simple and delicious it can be made with vodka also. Become a bartender and start working as a bartender full or part time. In only 1 week you can be fully trained. Call American Bartending School at 800-736-1001

[..YouTube..] wasnt this supposed to be a gin martini????
[..YouTube..] wasnt this supposed to??? be a gin martini?
[..YouTube..] wasnt this supposed to be a??? gin martini?
wasnt this supposed to be a gin martini?
[..YouTube..] wasnt this supposed to be a gin martini?
[..YouTube..] He??? reminds me of Moe the bartender from the Simpsons.
[..YouTube..] He reminds me of Moe the bartender from??? the Simpsons.
[..YouTube..] He reminds??? me of Moe the bartender from the Simpsons.
He reminds me of Moe the bartender from the Simpsons.
He reminds me of Moe the bartender from the Simpsons.
[..YouTube..] He reminds me of Moe the bartender from the Simpsons.
[..YouTube..] Speedysweetheart, you’re right! Wasn’t this supposed to made of GIN? Anyway, this guy is a Jackass. I’ve been working in the restaurant business for over 30 years and NO ONE, let me repeat, NO ONE EVER hires anybody who’s been to American Bartenders School because they DON’T TEACH THE RIGHT THINGS AND DON’T KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They just take the applicant’s money and make promises. Trust me on this you “FUTURE STUDENT’S” Get a job as a barback and learn from there.
[..YouTube..] vodkas are made of potatoes???
[..YouTube..] vodkas are made of??? potatoes
[..YouTube..] vodkas??? are made of potatoes
vodkas are made of potatoes
[..YouTube..] vodkas are made of potatoes
[..YouTube..] Polish vodka Chopin you got points sir???
[..YouTube..] Polish vodka Chopin you got??? points sir
[..YouTube..] Polish vodka Chopin you got points??? sir
Polish vodka Chopin you got points sir
[..YouTube..] Polish vodka Chopin you got points sir
[..YouTube..] your extra dry??? hahahaha
[..YouTube..] your extra??? dry hahahaha
[..YouTube..] your??? extra dry hahahaha
your extra dry hahahaha
[..YouTube..] your extra dry hahahaha
[..YouTube..] it tastes like vodka, which has no taste at all … is that an oxymoron? lol.. nice video though
[..YouTube..] it tastes like vodka, which has no taste??? at all … is that an oxymoron? lol.. nice video though
[..YouTube..] it tastes like vodka,??? which has no taste at all … is that an oxymoron? lol.. nice video though
it tastes like vodka, which has no taste at all … is that an oxymoron? lol.. nice video though
[..YouTube..] it tastes like vodka, which has no taste at all … is that an oxymoron?
lol.. nice video though
[..YouTube..] shaken not stured???
[..YouTube..] shaken??? not stured
[..YouTube..] shaken not??? stured
shaken not stured
shaken not stured
[..YouTube..] shaken not stured
[..YouTube..] great video???
[..YouTube..] great??? video
great video
[..YouTube..] great video
[..YouTube..] In general, vodkas are made from cereals, like maize, rye and barley. But others are made of potatoes.:)
[..YouTube..] In general, vodkas are made from cereals, like maize, rye and barley. But others??? are made of potatoes.:)
[..YouTube..] In general, vodkas??? are made from cereals, like maize, rye and barley. But others are made of potatoes.:)
[..YouTube..] In general,??? vodkas are made from cereals, like maize, rye and barley. But others are made of potatoes.:)
[..YouTube..] In general, vodkas are made from??? cereals, like maize, rye and barley. But others are made of potatoes.:)
In general, vodkas are made from cereals, like maize, rye and barley. But others are made of potatoes.:)
[..YouTube..] In general, vodkas are made from cereals, like maize, rye and barley. But others are made of potatoes.
[..YouTube..] this drink is called vodka??? on ice
[..YouTube..] this drink is??? called vodka on ice
[..YouTube..] this drink is called vodka on ice???
[..YouTube..] this drink??? is called vodka on ice
this drink is called vodka on ice
[..YouTube..] this drink is called vodka on ice
[..YouTube..] the amount of how “dry” a martini is means how dry the vermouth is. The amount of vermouth does not vary on how dry the martini. By the way. This guy is one of the most ignorant worst bartenders I’ve ever seen. And vodka does have a taste.
[..YouTube..] the amount of how “dry” a martini is means how dry the vermouth is. The amount of vermouth does??? not vary on how dry the martini. By the way. This guy is one of the most ignorant worst bartenders I’ve ever seen. And vodka does have a taste.
[..YouTube..] the amount of how “dry” a??? martini is means how dry the vermouth is. The amount of vermouth does not vary on how dry the martini. By the way. This guy is one of the most ignorant worst bartenders I’ve ever seen. And vodka does have a taste.
[..YouTube..] the amount of how “dry” a martini??? is means how dry the vermouth is. The amount of vermouth does not vary on how dry the martini. By the way. This guy is one of the most ignorant worst bartenders I’ve ever seen. And vodka does have a taste.
[..YouTube..] the amount of how “dry” a martini is means how dry the vermouth is. The amount of vermouth does not vary on how dry the martini. By the way. This guy is one of the most ignorant worst bartenders I’ve ever seen. And vodka does??? have a taste.
the amount of how “dry” a martini is means how dry the vermouth is. The amount of vermouth does not vary on how dry the martini. By the way. This guy is one of the most ignorant worst bartenders I’ve ever seen. And vodka does have a taste.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the comment. Another expert who knows it all. Where are your videos?
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the comment. Another expert who knows it all. Where are your videos????
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the comment. ??? Another expert who knows it all. Where are your videos?
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the comment. Another expert who knows it all.??? Where are your videos?
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the comment. Another expert who knows it all. Where are your??? videos?
Thanks for the comment. Another expert who knows it all. Where are your videos?
[..YouTube..] i couldn’t believe this.I would’nt hire him even as a dishwasher.You have no clue at all of what you are speaking about.you are talkin about vodka like it doesn’t taste at allafter that you??? are talking about watering drinks, but the way you are making it it would be just vodka with water.You also mensioned something about shaking drinks too roughly,have you ever heard usage of fresh ice, double strainer or proper shaking methods?Disgraceful to our business
[..YouTube..] i couldn’t believe this.I would’nt hire him even as a dishwasher.You have no clue at all of what you are speaking about.you are talkin about vodka like it doesn’t taste at allafter that you are talking about watering??? drinks, but the way you are making it it would be just vodka with water.You also mensioned something about shaking drinks too roughly,have you ever heard usage of fresh ice, double strainer or proper shaking methods?Disgraceful to our business
[..YouTube..] i couldn’t believe this.I would’nt hire him even as a dishwasher.You have no clue at all of what you are speaking about.you are talkin about vodka like it doesn’t taste at allafter that you are talking about watering drinks, but the way you are making it it would be just vodka with water.You also mensioned something about shaking drinks too roughly,have you ever??? heard usage of fresh ice, double strainer or proper shaking methods?Disgraceful to our business
[..YouTube..] i couldn’t believe this.I would’nt hire him even as a dishwasher.You have no clue at all of what you are??? speaking about.you are talkin about vodka like it doesn’t taste at allafter that you are talking about watering drinks, but the way you are making it it would be just vodka with water.You also mensioned something about shaking drinks too roughly,have you ever heard usage of fresh ice, double strainer or proper shaking methods?Disgraceful to our business
[..YouTube..] i couldn’t believe this.I would’nt hire him even as a dishwasher.You have no clue at all of what you are speaking about.you are talkin about vodka like it doesn’t taste at allafter that you are talking about watering drinks, but the way you are making it it would be just vodka with water.You also mensioned something about shaking drinks too roughly,have you ever heard usage of fresh ice, double strainer or proper shaking methods?Disgraceful to our business
[..YouTube..] i couldn’t believe this.You have no clue at all of what you are speaking about.you are talkin about vodka like it doesn’t taste at allafter that you are talking about watering drinks, but the way you are making it it would be just vodka with water.U also mensioned about shaking drinks too roughly,have you ever heard usage of fresh ice, double strainer or proper shaking methods?and you dont know even how to make extra dry vodkamartiniDisgraceful to our business
[..YouTube..] Shaken not stirred….
[..YouTube..] Shaken not??? stirred….
[..YouTube..] Shaken??? not stirred….
[..YouTube..] Shaken not stirred….???
Shaken not stirred….
[..YouTube..] says gin in title
[..YouTube..] says gin in??? title
[..YouTube..] says??? gin in title
says gin in title
[..YouTube..] @armedbandit Thanks for your comments.
[..YouTube..] @armedbandit Thanks for your comments. ???
[..YouTube..] @armedbandit Thanks for your??? comments.
[..YouTube..] @armedbandit Thanks for your comments. ???
Thanks for your comments.
[..YouTube..] Is mixing Dry Gin with Nestea Zero good? Cause that’s all I have in my house :p
[..YouTube..] Is mixing Dry Gin??? with Nestea Zero good? Cause that’s all I have in my house :p
[..YouTube..] Is mixing Dry Gin with??? Nestea Zero good? Cause that’s all I have in my house :p
Is mixing Dry Gin with Nestea Zero good? Cause that’s all I have in my house :p
[..YouTube..] @jtiano Hey dumb ass, he doesn’t need videos to prove he or she knows more about drinks than you, it just doesn’t. Also you’re not a bartender, you just have alot of alchohols which for youi is a bad thing.
[..YouTube..] Hey dumb ass, he doesn’t need videos to prove he or she knows more about drinks than you, it just doesn’t. Also you’re not a bartender, you just have alot of alchohols which for youi is a bad thing.
Hey dumb ass, he doesn’t need videos to prove he or she knows more about drinks than you, it just doesn’t. Also you’re not a bartender, you just have alot of alchohols which for youi is a bad thing.
[..YouTube..] If you like the taste–go for it.
If you like the taste–go for it.
[..YouTube..] dude you’re a great bartender.
dude you’re a great bartender.
[..YouTube..] @urface12343 of course he needs videos to prove. how do we know if he didn’t copy it from yahoo answers? i can write every little thing about gin, vermouth, vodka, etc. i copied from sources. obviously this video shows that he CAN do that, not just talk.
[..YouTube..] @urface12343 of course he needs videos to prove. how do we know if he didn’t copy it from yahoo answers? i can write every little thing about gin, vermouth, vodka, etc. i copied from sources. obviously this video shows that he CAN do that, not just talk.
[..YouTube..] of course he needs videos to prove. how do we know if he didn’t copy it from yahoo answers? i can write every little thing about gin, vermouth, vodka, etc. i copied from sources. obviously this video shows that he CAN do that, not just talk.
of course he needs videos to prove. how do we know if he didn’t copy it from yahoo answers? i can write every little thing about gin, vermouth, vodka, etc. i copied from sources. obviously this video shows that he CAN do that, not just talk.
[..YouTube..] @MrFGunadi obviously, i posted that comment a while agho and really dont give a shit about it now.
[..YouTube..] obviously, i posted that comment a while agho and really dont give a shit about it now.
obviously, i posted that comment a while agho and really dont give a shit about it now.