265 thoughts on “Jager Bomb Cocktail Drink Recipe”
[..YouTube..] All day.
keep chilled and on ice? yet you took it off the back bar?!?
technically… bars are not suppose to serve them together they can slide you the glass of redbull/rockstar and the shot but they dont drop it for you. and it doesnt matter is its chilled the redbull does that for you.
[..YouTube..] technically… bars are not suppose to serve them together they can slide you the glass of redbull/rockstar and the shot but they dont drop it for you. and it doesnt matter is its chilled the redbull does that for you.
[..YouTube..] they serve here all the time. maybe its just your state.
[..YouTube..] BOMB DIG…loveeeeeee these
[..YouTube..] drink it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] He was reading what it says on the bottle.
[..YouTube..] To bad i can’t buy Red Bull i’m my country, cause i would love to try one of these.
[..YouTube..] haha wow that would fuck you up!
[..YouTube..] jager bombs are my fav
[..YouTube..] we always drop our bombs in, never the bartenders, i like then fun of it all 😀
[..YouTube..] hey u can use any type of strong energy drink or plain…citrus…no sugarfree
[..YouTube..] jager bombs aree bad, because alcohol is a depressent, so it slows your heart, and red bull speeds up your heart rate.
nott too good.
[..YouTube..] one of my friends said that Jagermeister tastes like black liquor
[..YouTube..] Go jaggerbombs!!!! These are awesome!!!
[..YouTube..] In Austria a Jager Bomb is called “Flying Hirsch” .. And we use the small glass bottles (0,02l I think) and put them opened into the glass of Red Bull.
[..YouTube..] not just caffeine, taurine! stupid! if it says in the back, READ IT!
its just a demostration. no one is drinking them
[..YouTube..] its just a demostration. no one is drinking them
(L) Jager
(L)(L) Jager bombs
[..YouTube..] (L) Jager
(L)(L) Jager bombs
Yeah, so they cancel out 🙂
[..YouTube..] Yeah, so they cancel out 🙂
[..YouTube..] Party On. Is it okay to just mix both together and not drop th shot glass in?
we have red bull in Canada not so good pricy and taste like cough syrup. But in the state’s I tryed red bull’s cola and it’s better then the energy drink they make.
[..YouTube..] we have red bull in Canada not so good pricy and taste like cough syrup. But in the state’s I tryed red bull’s cola and it’s better then the energy drink they make.
[..YouTube..] jager bombs are bomb they are fucken good… last time we used coke there were no energy drinks around but it still was bomb haha
[..YouTube..] I had one of those at a party recently (accept it was with a rockstar) , it was my first drink i ever had and it was to my surprise not that bad
[..YouTube..] way to keep the jager cold jackass
[..YouTube..] coward . jager monster is the only way . pint glass lg vodka jager and red bull . enjoy
[..YouTube..] drink it bitch!
[..YouTube..] your such a downer its like(but not in any way simaler) to doing a stimulent like cocain and a downer like heroin(but wont kill you) it takes the best of both aye
[..YouTube..] tastes a bit like strawberry I think
called a u-boat sometimes here in denmark
[..YouTube..] yea and he didnt even fucking drink it
[..YouTube..] serious, the J??germeister bottle has to be white because of the ice when it comes out of the freezer! ice ice cold J??germeister is the real deal! cheers from hamburg/germany
[..YouTube..] the cola is really better then the energy drink…but its still expensive. I drink the cheap one with wodka or so 😀
[..YouTube..] YAS NEED BEER
[..YouTube..] Nah man,drop the shot glass bomb.. the fizz is the explosion – YEH!!!
[..YouTube..] hahahaha i think the guy is thinkin… damn i’d like to drink it…. but i won’t hahahaha
[..YouTube..] Heys not drinking it is he?
[..YouTube..] jager bombs with venom black mamba is the shit!
[..YouTube..] i am the yager boom king lol i did 30 booms i was on my arse but i did it lol
[..YouTube..] 30 could kill you. You realize how much that is?
[..YouTube..] most jager bombs ive ever done is 12 probably not that much to some people but i was fucked lol
[..YouTube..] ya aint even spell it right bro lol =p
[..YouTube..] @vodkerking: bullshit youd be fucking dead or would pass out after 20 or less. so just shut up u little kid
[..YouTube..] @vodkerking um….. no u didint if u did that many u would be dead i sculled 10 and i was gone man if u had that many there would be too much redbull in u man it would cause ya haert ta race too fast and then it would stop and u would die
[..YouTube..] These can be deadly if you drink to many.
[..YouTube..] @bobmamipoko Yeah,Bullshit ! my riend had to ge his stomach pumped after having 14 !so calm it kid!
[..YouTube..] nah Jeger Bomb is good for MONSTER!!!! fuck redbull!
[..YouTube..] fail video is fail
[..YouTube..] Well, there have been many stories about the bad idea of mixing energy drinks w/ alcohol. I used to do a couple for a while everytime i got out, while drinking G&T or Bourbon, and never got me out of control. The great thing about it is that it tastes like bubblegum!
[..YouTube..] also try hypnobombs: substitute jager with hypnitiq. and my own personal drink i created: the dark knight: jager, grape soda, and red bull.
[..YouTube..] keep partying? two of those are instant blackout…
[..YouTube..] aren’t you supposed to fill it more with redbull and drop the shot into it it fizzes right up and you chug it as fast as you can?
[..YouTube..] @styx529 you think it would but na, not even as strong as a quarter shot of tequila
[..YouTube..] Thank god for the Germans who made this drink.
[..YouTube..] Jesus christ – practice before u record yourself. You don’t even know what Redbull or Jager are. Stick to making Manhattans in your videos old timer
[..YouTube..] @CobasGeorge if it was bad for you i would be dead. i used to drink those four loko things. its a 24 ounce can that is the eqivilent of 4 beers and 6 cups of coffe
[..YouTube..] your suppose to do it in tall glasses, you drop the shot glass in it and it mixes and starts fizzing up, and you chung it, no one sips “bombs” its normally about a 250ml can of red bull and a shot of jager.
[..YouTube..] I’ve been drinking heavily for the past 9 years and can handle it well, thank you very much.BUT the only 2 times I’ve EVER had blackouts (“Who was I speaking to last night? How did I get home last night? Why are the police accusing me of last night raping my neighbor’s post-box?”) where the only 2 times I’ve ever had Jager Bombs! Unless you wanna forget every single thing (sometimes an attractive idea) I’d suggest y’all just stick to beer & wine & gin & whiskey (in that order, haw haw).
[..YouTube..] I’ve been drinking heavily for the past 9 years and can handle it well, thank you very much.
BUT the only 2 times I’ve EVER had blackouts (“Who was I speaking to last night? How did I get home last night? Why are the police accusing me of last night raping my neighbor’s post-box?”) where the only 2 times I’ve ever had Jager Bombs! Unless you wanna forget every single thing (sometimes an attractive idea) I’d suggest y’all just stick to beer & wine & gin & whiskey (in that order, haw haw).
[..YouTube..] Says a lot about your bullshit school that you’d teach a bullshit drink like this.
[..YouTube..] lol jager is more like licorice taste to it
[..YouTube..] @CCP2 hey asshole, they teach every drink. so shut your fucking mouth and respect the fact that though it is a simple drink, its still a drink, just like the fact that you are a VERY simple person, youre still a person
[..YouTube..] wat a waste of perfectly good jager
[..YouTube..] @terratrema you fail at drinking ive just turned legal age (18) i drink jager all the time and ive never had a bad night on it i remember once i drank almost a litre to my self i would have had the who litre but i shared a bit with a friend and i can remember the whole night pretty much the only reason i cant remember certain parts of it is cause it was a while ago, dont listen to this clown drink jager as much as you want 😛
[..YouTube..] @Ballpythondude420 but your drinking all the jager? are you mental
[..YouTube..] just dont drink soju
[..YouTube..] Ill stick to the white russian. Jegebombs is for douchebags, and remember. THE DUDE ABIDES.
[..YouTube..] drink it ya pussy
[..YouTube..] I have a 68′ bottle of Crown Royal I would like to sell or trade how do I value?Mike McKillicanNanaimo BC Canada
[..YouTube..] aren’t you meant to drop the shot in so it’s submerged in the red bull? I could be wrong but i’ve always thought that the shot glass should drop below the surface and then you quickly scull the jager bomb as it mixes.
[..YouTube..] generation gap at its finest.
[..YouTube..] @leegeeves Well the idea is to chase Jager with energy drink. So really doesnt matter. I prefer to drink it as a drink and not chug it. So just mix Jager and redbull and sip on it.
[..YouTube..] @leegeeves yep , thats the way i’ve drank it , repeatedly, lol
[..YouTube..] Fucking shower in that shit
[..YouTube..] @littlelordfontelroy its just a demo RELAX.
[..YouTube..] not jagerbomb … J??GER BOMB! ffs ????????????????
[..YouTube..] Well actually it has a more black brownish colour, but I guess you could call that blood red..
[..YouTube..] @leegeeves Yup you are correct on your theroy 🙂 yet it dont really amtter becuase as you tilt it all merges together anyways
[..YouTube..] i drank some jagerbombs one night but not that much red bull but i didnt really get drunk but redbulll kept me up all night… i couldnt fall asleep 🙁
[..YouTube..] @grg900 Twat
[..YouTube..] @littlelordfontelroy aslong your redbull is chilled it’s finee
[..YouTube..] i cannot believe this video exists.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your comments. You’re right I should be charging for it.
[..YouTube..] @Bleazzy2425 why?
[..YouTube..] umm dont you drop the yager into the red bull so it mixes?? its not meant to just sit there lol
[..YouTube..] @TheMcKillican Hello neighbori’m from Duncan lol
[..YouTube..] Jagerboms + Bong Hits = a good time
[..YouTube..] Germans call it Flying Hirsch! Hirsch means deer.
[..YouTube..] ohh
[..YouTube..] DRINK IT !!!
[..YouTube..] @multymaster flying hirsch ist beste digga
[..YouTube..] I thought you needed a big cup so you can drop the jager with the energy drink and you mix both.
[..YouTube..] I use original Monster instead of Red Bull, it actually tastes better
[..YouTube..] jager , blood red ?. mate , its brown .
[..YouTube..] jager , blood red ?. mate , its brown .
[..YouTube..] some red bull to fuck up your nervous system plus any fucking thing whit alcohol , YEA GET STUPID AND SICK sounds like a funny drink
[..YouTube..] Dose Any one knowtice theres to bottles Of jager,,,,, Wooot jagerbombs
[..YouTube..] wat a pussy. wouldnt even drink it
[..YouTube..] @ThePGeraFuckingSucks Monster and Rockstar both kick redbulls ass when it comes to jagerbombs imo
[..YouTube..] yellow bull
[..YouTube..] @ThePGeraFuckingSucks that was my idea dude, I’ve done crazy shit with Jager
[..YouTube..] This is probably a dumb question, but are you suppose to like hold down the shot glass while you drink? Because the first time I had a j??ger bomb, the shot glass came forward when i was chugging and hit my front tooth 🙁 fail.
[..YouTube..] This fuckin guy is RIDICULOUS!! HA HA HA!! Dude, do you even drink….. at all?? Homie sounds like he hasn’t been “out” in years! Fucker tellin how to make “club” drinks… Too funny!
[..YouTube..] @RichThePoor1 Yes I noticed the two bottles of Jagermeister… learn to spell
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked when you swallow the glass with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked??? when you swallow the glass with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked when you??? swallow the glass with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked when you swallow the glass??? with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked when you swallow the??? glass with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] that guy is wise. he should president.
[..YouTube..] that guy is wise. he??? should president.
[..YouTube..] that guy is??? wise. he should president.
[..YouTube..] that guy is wise. he should??? president.
[..YouTube..] I like the finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.
[..YouTube..] I like the??? finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.
[..YouTube..] I like??? the finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.
[..YouTube..] I like the finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.???
[..YouTube..] I??? like the finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.
[..YouTube..] haha, you can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i wish he was my bartender. Great personality.
[..YouTube..] haha, you can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i wish he was my bartender. Great??? personality.
[..YouTube..] haha, you??? can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i wish he was my bartender. Great personality.
[..YouTube..] haha, you can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i??? wish he was my bartender. Great personality.
[..YouTube..] haha, you can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i wish he was my??? bartender. Great personality.
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered which part of the pitbull’s nose is blue? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me??? wondered which part of the pitbull’s nose is blue? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered which part of??? the pitbull’s nose is blue? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that??? makes me wondered which part of the pitbull’s nose is blue? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered, which part of the pitbull’s nose is green? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that??? makes me wondered, which part of the pitbull’s nose is green? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered,??? which part of the pitbull’s nose is green? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered, which part of the pitbull’s nose is??? green? 🙂
[..YouTube..] This is my favorite drink, but jager is not blood red 🙂
[..YouTube..] This is my favorite drink,??? but jager is not blood red 🙂
[..YouTube..] This is??? my favorite drink, but jager is not blood red 🙂
[..YouTube..] This is my favorite drink, but??? jager is not blood red 🙂
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a deep purple. Sorry for the mix up.
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a deep purple. ??? Sorry for the mix up.
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a??? deep purple. Sorry for the mix up.
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a deep purple. Sorry for??? the mix up.
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a deep purple. Sorry for the??? mix up.
[..YouTube..] so creative to drink it LOL
[..YouTube..] so??? creative to drink it LOL
[..YouTube..] so creative to??? drink it LOL
[..YouTube..] so creative to drink??? it LOL
[..YouTube..] im thirsty
[..YouTube..] im thirsty???
[..YouTube..] im??? thirsty
[..YouTube..] drink up
[..YouTube..] drink??? up
[..YouTube..] drink up???
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2 in an hour can cause some damage
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2??? in an hour can cause some damage
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2 in an hour can cause??? some damage
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2 in??? an hour can cause some damage
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2 in an hour??? can cause some damage
[..YouTube..] lol drink it you p u ss y
[..YouTube..] lol drink??? it you p u ss y
[..YouTube..] lol drink it you??? p u ss y
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about 4 in 30seconds? shoenice22 ftw!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about??? 4 in 30seconds? shoenice22 ftw!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about 4 in 30seconds? shoenice22??? ftw!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about 4??? in 30seconds? shoenice22 ftw!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about 4 in 30seconds???? shoenice22 ftw!
[..YouTube..] First time I had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or 3 then just alcohol. That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] First time I had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or??? 3 then just alcohol. That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] First time I had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or 3 then just alcohol.??? That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] First time I??? had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or 3 then just alcohol. That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] First time??? I had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or 3 then just alcohol. That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz you the man
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz you??? the man
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz??? you the man
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz you the man???
[..YouTube..] once you stop feeling the effects of the caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] once you stop feeling the effects of the caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink??? multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] once you stop feeling the effects of the??? caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] once you stop feeling the effects??? of the caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] once you??? stop feeling the effects of the caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz That is no match to the combination of red bull + cider and drink that with jager. That’ll fuck you up really bad
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz That is no match to the combination of red bull + cider and drink that with??? jager. That’ll fuck you up really bad
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz That is no match to the combination of??? red bull + cider and drink that with jager. That’ll fuck you up really bad
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz That is no match to??? the combination of red bull + cider and drink that with jager. That’ll fuck you up really bad
[..YouTube..] i sould have been more Red Bull in it :/
[..YouTube..] i sould have??? been more Red Bull in it :/
[..YouTube..] i sould have been more Red??? Bull in it :/
[..YouTube..] i??? sould have been more Red Bull in it :/
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done 6 in a hr plus chasers..
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done??? 6 in a hr plus chasers..
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done 6 in a hr??? plus chasers..
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done 6 in a hr plus??? chasers..
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done 6 in a hr plus chasers.. ???
[..YouTube..] man up you idiots, the red bull counteracts the jaeger and the effects of drunkeness are vastly reduced !
[..YouTube..] man??? up you idiots, the red bull counteracts the jaeger and the effects of drunkeness are vastly reduced !
[..YouTube..] man up you idiots, the red bull counteracts the jaeger and the effects of drunkeness are vastly reduced ! ???
[..YouTube..] man up you idiots, the red bull??? counteracts the jaeger and the effects of drunkeness are vastly reduced !
[..YouTube..] man up you idiots, the red bull counteracts the jaeger and the effects??? of drunkeness are vastly reduced !
[..YouTube..] a bomb to the man in the video!!! perrfectly put
[..YouTube..] a bomb to??? the man in the video!!! perrfectly put
[..YouTube..] a bomb to the man??? in the video!!! perrfectly put
[..YouTube..] a bomb to the man in the??? video!!! perrfectly put
[..YouTube..] a bomb to the man in the video!!! perrfectly??? put
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true.??? The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko??? Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The??? Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that??? is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol.??? I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like??? its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m??? a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on??? the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] This guy hates his life
This guy hates his life
[..YouTube..] How do you know.
How do you know.
[..YouTube..] Red Bull is like cancer in a can
Red Bull is like cancer in a can
[..YouTube..] Why do you say that?
Why do you say that?
[..YouTube..] @NewToTheLyte Rum & coke ftw!
[..YouTube..] Rum & coke ftw!
Rum & coke ftw!
[..YouTube..] That’s a lot of c affine
That’s a lot of c affine
[..YouTube..] yager balm
yager balm
[..YouTube..] @JVL8701 Right on a great drink!
[..YouTube..] Right on a great drink!
Right on a great drink!
[..YouTube..] That’s what it think it taste like, but it may taste differently to others. Try it sometime and let me know what you think.
That’s what it think it taste like, but it may taste differently to others. Try it sometime and let me know what you think.
[..YouTube..] i like how he comments on his own videos so it looks like he has comments lol
i like how he comments on his own videos so it looks like he has comments lol
[..YouTube..] @hulksmash911911 Hey stupid, I only reply to other peoples comments. Like I’m doing to your dumb ass comments.
[..YouTube..] Hey stupid, I only reply to other peoples comments. Like I’m doing to your dumb ass comments.
Hey stupid, I only reply to other peoples comments. Like I’m doing to your dumb ass comments.
[..YouTube..] I’m graduating h.s. in about 3 months and starting college on september. What I want to do is get a part time job to make some extra cash to pay for any school expenses my financial aid won’t cover. So I was thinking bartending — ny is a great place, lots of people ready to spend everyday… Problem is, I only know very little about drinks (only know a couple of recipes) and have no skills mixing… So now I’m doing research… on bartending schools… I like your videos.
I’m graduating h.s. in about 3 months and starting college on september. What I want to do is get a part time job to make some extra cash to pay for any school expenses my financial aid won’t cover. So I was thinking bartending — ny is a great place, lots of people ready to spend everyday… Problem is, I only know very little about drinks (only know a couple of recipes) and have no skills mixing… So now I’m doing research… on bartending schools… I like your videos.
[..YouTube..] Well, in Germany we just call it Jager Bull
Well, in Germany we just call it Jager Bull
[..YouTube..] If you live in the New York, New Jersey or Palm Desert area give us a call at 800-532-9222. We are offering a special discount on the class. Our 40 hours includes job placement. Good luck.
If you live in the New York, New Jersey or Palm Desert area give us a call at 800-532-9222. We are offering a special discount on the class. Our 40 hours includes job placement. Good luck.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the information. Always happy to hear from our friend from other parts of the world.
Thanks for the information. Always happy to hear from our friend from other parts of the world.
[..YouTube..] Anytime.Btw I think Ramazzotti tastes like Jagermeister but it’s a bit smoother. Give it a try
Anytime.Btw I think Ramazzotti tastes like Jagermeister but it’s a bit smoother. Give it a try
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your comments. It has a unique taste.
Thanks for your comments. It has a unique taste.
[..YouTube..] not exactly the case the ingredients in energy dinks allow your body to absorb the vitamins, and caffine in them faster, which in return while drinking with alcohol will allow the alcohol to give you a quicker buzz, trust me on the energy drink part ive been drinking 1-2 a day for 3 yrs now
not exactly the case the ingredients in energy dinks allow your body to absorb the vitamins, and caffine in them faster, which in return while drinking with alcohol will allow the alcohol to give you a quicker buzz, trust me on the energy drink part ive been drinking 1-2 a day for 3 yrs now
[..YouTube..] All day.
keep chilled and on ice? yet you took it off the back bar?!?
technically… bars are not suppose to serve them together they can slide you the glass of redbull/rockstar and the shot but they dont drop it for you. and it doesnt matter is its chilled the redbull does that for you.
[..YouTube..] technically… bars are not suppose to serve them together they can slide you the glass of redbull/rockstar and the shot but they dont drop it for you. and it doesnt matter is its chilled the redbull does that for you.
[..YouTube..] they serve here all the time. maybe its just your state.
[..YouTube..] BOMB DIG…loveeeeeee these
[..YouTube..] drink it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] He was reading what it says on the bottle.
[..YouTube..] To bad i can’t buy Red Bull i’m my country, cause i would love to try one of these.
[..YouTube..] haha wow that would fuck you up!
[..YouTube..] jager bombs are my fav
[..YouTube..] we always drop our bombs in, never the bartenders, i like then fun of it all 😀
[..YouTube..] hey u can use any type of strong energy drink or plain…citrus…no sugarfree
[..YouTube..] jager bombs aree bad, because alcohol is a depressent, so it slows your heart, and red bull speeds up your heart rate.
nott too good.
[..YouTube..] one of my friends said that Jagermeister tastes like black liquor
[..YouTube..] Go jaggerbombs!!!! These are awesome!!!
[..YouTube..] In Austria a Jager Bomb is called “Flying Hirsch” .. And we use the small glass bottles (0,02l I think) and put them opened into the glass of Red Bull.
[..YouTube..] not just caffeine, taurine! stupid! if it says in the back, READ IT!
its just a demostration. no one is drinking them
[..YouTube..] its just a demostration. no one is drinking them
(L) Jager
(L)(L) Jager bombs
[..YouTube..] (L) Jager
(L)(L) Jager bombs
Yeah, so they cancel out 🙂
[..YouTube..] Yeah, so they cancel out 🙂
[..YouTube..] Party On. Is it okay to just mix both together and not drop th shot glass in?
we have red bull in Canada not so good pricy and taste like cough syrup. But in the state’s I tryed red bull’s cola and it’s better then the energy drink they make.
[..YouTube..] we have red bull in Canada not so good pricy and taste like cough syrup. But in the state’s I tryed red bull’s cola and it’s better then the energy drink they make.
[..YouTube..] jager bombs are bomb they are fucken good… last time we used coke there were no energy drinks around but it still was bomb haha
[..YouTube..] I had one of those at a party recently (accept it was with a rockstar) , it was my first drink i ever had and it was to my surprise not that bad
[..YouTube..] way to keep the jager cold jackass
[..YouTube..] coward . jager monster is the only way . pint glass lg vodka jager and red bull . enjoy
[..YouTube..] drink it bitch!
[..YouTube..] your such a downer its like(but not in any way simaler) to doing a stimulent like cocain and a downer like heroin(but wont kill you) it takes the best of both aye
[..YouTube..] tastes a bit like strawberry I think
called a u-boat sometimes here in denmark
[..YouTube..] yea and he didnt even fucking drink it
[..YouTube..] serious, the J??germeister bottle has to be white because of the ice when it comes out of the freezer! ice ice cold J??germeister is the real deal! cheers from hamburg/germany
[..YouTube..] the cola is really better then the energy drink…but its still expensive. I drink the cheap one with wodka or so 😀
[..YouTube..] YAS NEED BEER
[..YouTube..] Nah man,drop the shot glass bomb.. the fizz is the explosion – YEH!!!
[..YouTube..] hahahaha i think the guy is thinkin… damn i’d like to drink it…. but i won’t hahahaha
[..YouTube..] Heys not drinking it is he?
[..YouTube..] jager bombs with venom black mamba is the shit!
[..YouTube..] i am the yager boom king lol i did 30 booms i was on my arse but i did it lol
[..YouTube..] 30 could kill you. You realize how much that is?
[..YouTube..] most jager bombs ive ever done is 12 probably not that much to some people but i was fucked lol
[..YouTube..] ya aint even spell it right bro lol =p
[..YouTube..] @vodkerking: bullshit youd be fucking dead or would pass out after 20 or less. so just shut up u little kid
[..YouTube..] @vodkerking um….. no u didint if u did that many u would be dead i sculled 10 and i was gone man if u had that many there would be too much redbull in u man it would cause ya haert ta race too fast and then it would stop and u would die
[..YouTube..] These can be deadly if you drink to many.
[..YouTube..] @bobmamipoko Yeah,Bullshit ! my riend had to ge his stomach pumped after having 14 !so calm it kid!
[..YouTube..] nah Jeger Bomb is good for MONSTER!!!! fuck redbull!
[..YouTube..] fail video is fail
[..YouTube..] Well, there have been many stories about the bad idea of mixing energy drinks w/ alcohol. I used to do a couple for a while everytime i got out, while drinking G&T or Bourbon, and never got me out of control. The great thing about it is that it tastes like bubblegum!
[..YouTube..] also try hypnobombs: substitute jager with hypnitiq. and my own personal drink i created: the dark knight: jager, grape soda, and red bull.
[..YouTube..] keep partying? two of those are instant blackout…
[..YouTube..] aren’t you supposed to fill it more with redbull and drop the shot into it it fizzes right up and you chug it as fast as you can?
[..YouTube..] @styx529 you think it would but na, not even as strong as a quarter shot of tequila
[..YouTube..] Thank god for the Germans who made this drink.
[..YouTube..] Jesus christ – practice before u record yourself. You don’t even know what Redbull or Jager are. Stick to making Manhattans in your videos old timer
[..YouTube..] @CobasGeorge if it was bad for you i would be dead. i used to drink those four loko things. its a 24 ounce can that is the eqivilent of 4 beers and 6 cups of coffe
[..YouTube..] your suppose to do it in tall glasses, you drop the shot glass in it and it mixes and starts fizzing up, and you chung it, no one sips “bombs” its normally about a 250ml can of red bull and a shot of jager.
[..YouTube..] I’ve been drinking heavily for the past 9 years and can handle it well, thank you very much.BUT the only 2 times I’ve EVER had blackouts (“Who was I speaking to last night? How did I get home last night? Why are the police accusing me of last night raping my neighbor’s post-box?”) where the only 2 times I’ve ever had Jager Bombs! Unless you wanna forget every single thing (sometimes an attractive idea) I’d suggest y’all just stick to beer & wine & gin & whiskey (in that order, haw haw).
[..YouTube..] I’ve been drinking heavily for the past 9 years and can handle it well, thank you very much.
BUT the only 2 times I’ve EVER had blackouts (“Who was I speaking to last night? How did I get home last night? Why are the police accusing me of last night raping my neighbor’s post-box?”) where the only 2 times I’ve ever had Jager Bombs! Unless you wanna forget every single thing (sometimes an attractive idea) I’d suggest y’all just stick to beer & wine & gin & whiskey (in that order, haw haw).
[..YouTube..] Says a lot about your bullshit school that you’d teach a bullshit drink like this.
[..YouTube..] lol jager is more like licorice taste to it
[..YouTube..] @CCP2 hey asshole, they teach every drink. so shut your fucking mouth and respect the fact that though it is a simple drink, its still a drink, just like the fact that you are a VERY simple person, youre still a person
[..YouTube..] wat a waste of perfectly good jager
[..YouTube..] @terratrema you fail at drinking ive just turned legal age (18) i drink jager all the time and ive never had a bad night on it i remember once i drank almost a litre to my self i would have had the who litre but i shared a bit with a friend and i can remember the whole night pretty much the only reason i cant remember certain parts of it is cause it was a while ago, dont listen to this clown drink jager as much as you want 😛
[..YouTube..] @Ballpythondude420 but your drinking all the jager? are you mental
[..YouTube..] just dont drink soju
[..YouTube..] Ill stick to the white russian. Jegebombs is for douchebags, and remember. THE DUDE ABIDES.
[..YouTube..] drink it ya pussy
[..YouTube..] I have a 68′ bottle of Crown Royal I would like to sell or trade how do I value?Mike McKillicanNanaimo BC Canada
[..YouTube..] aren’t you meant to drop the shot in so it’s submerged in the red bull? I could be wrong but i’ve always thought that the shot glass should drop below the surface and then you quickly scull the jager bomb as it mixes.
[..YouTube..] generation gap at its finest.
[..YouTube..] @leegeeves Well the idea is to chase Jager with energy drink. So really doesnt matter. I prefer to drink it as a drink and not chug it. So just mix Jager and redbull and sip on it.
[..YouTube..] @leegeeves yep , thats the way i’ve drank it , repeatedly, lol
[..YouTube..] Fucking shower in that shit
[..YouTube..] @littlelordfontelroy its just a demo RELAX.
[..YouTube..] not jagerbomb … J??GER BOMB! ffs ????????????????
[..YouTube..] Well actually it has a more black brownish colour, but I guess you could call that blood red..
[..YouTube..] @leegeeves Yup you are correct on your theroy 🙂 yet it dont really amtter becuase as you tilt it all merges together anyways
[..YouTube..] i drank some jagerbombs one night but not that much red bull but i didnt really get drunk but redbulll kept me up all night… i couldnt fall asleep 🙁
[..YouTube..] @grg900 Twat
[..YouTube..] @littlelordfontelroy aslong your redbull is chilled it’s finee
[..YouTube..] i cannot believe this video exists.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your comments. You’re right I should be charging for it.
[..YouTube..] @Bleazzy2425 why?
[..YouTube..] umm dont you drop the yager into the red bull so it mixes?? its not meant to just sit there lol
[..YouTube..] Jager Bomb….jager bomb……. jager bomb……..fucking skanks
[..YouTube..] @TheMcKillican Hello neighbori’m from Duncan lol
[..YouTube..] Jagerboms + Bong Hits = a good time
[..YouTube..] Germans call it Flying Hirsch! Hirsch means deer.
[..YouTube..] ohh
[..YouTube..] DRINK IT !!!
[..YouTube..] @multymaster flying hirsch ist beste digga
[..YouTube..] I thought you needed a big cup so you can drop the jager with the energy drink and you mix both.
[..YouTube..] I use original Monster instead of Red Bull, it actually tastes better
[..YouTube..] jager , blood red ?. mate , its brown .
[..YouTube..] jager , blood red ?. mate , its brown .
[..YouTube..] some red bull to fuck up your nervous system plus any fucking thing whit alcohol , YEA GET STUPID AND SICK sounds like a funny drink
[..YouTube..] Dose Any one knowtice theres to bottles Of jager,,,,, Wooot jagerbombs
[..YouTube..] wat a pussy. wouldnt even drink it
[..YouTube..] @ThePGeraFuckingSucks Monster and Rockstar both kick redbulls ass when it comes to jagerbombs imo
[..YouTube..] yellow bull
[..YouTube..] @ThePGeraFuckingSucks that was my idea dude, I’ve done crazy shit with Jager
[..YouTube..] This is probably a dumb question, but are you suppose to like hold down the shot glass while you drink? Because the first time I had a j??ger bomb, the shot glass came forward when i was chugging and hit my front tooth 🙁 fail.
[..YouTube..] This fuckin guy is RIDICULOUS!! HA HA HA!! Dude, do you even drink….. at all?? Homie sounds like he hasn’t been “out” in years! Fucker tellin how to make “club” drinks… Too funny!
[..YouTube..] @RichThePoor1 Yes I noticed the two bottles of Jagermeister… learn to spell
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked when you swallow the glass with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked??? when you swallow the glass with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked when you??? swallow the glass with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked when you swallow the glass??? with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] You’re fucked when you swallow the??? glass with the J??germeister in it.
[..YouTube..] that guy is wise. he should president.
[..YouTube..] that guy is wise. he??? should president.
[..YouTube..] that guy is??? wise. he should president.
[..YouTube..] that guy is wise. he should??? president.
[..YouTube..] I like the finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.
[..YouTube..] I like the??? finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.
[..YouTube..] I like??? the finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.
[..YouTube..] I like the finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.???
[..YouTube..] I??? like the finalizing ‘Ooh’ he does.
[..YouTube..] haha, you can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i wish he was my bartender. Great personality.
[..YouTube..] haha, you can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i wish he was my bartender. Great??? personality.
[..YouTube..] haha, you??? can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i wish he was my bartender. Great personality.
[..YouTube..] haha, you can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i??? wish he was my bartender. Great personality.
[..YouTube..] haha, you can tell he hates both ingredients. This guy is awesome, i wish he was my??? bartender. Great personality.
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered which part of the pitbull’s nose is blue? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me??? wondered which part of the pitbull’s nose is blue? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered which part of??? the pitbull’s nose is blue? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that??? makes me wondered which part of the pitbull’s nose is blue? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered, which part of the pitbull’s nose is green? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that??? makes me wondered, which part of the pitbull’s nose is green? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered,??? which part of the pitbull’s nose is green? 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MetallicAroxS that makes me wondered, which part of the pitbull’s nose is??? green? 🙂
[..YouTube..] This is my favorite drink, but jager is not blood red 🙂
[..YouTube..] This is my favorite drink,??? but jager is not blood red 🙂
[..YouTube..] This is??? my favorite drink, but jager is not blood red 🙂
[..YouTube..] This is my favorite drink, but??? jager is not blood red 🙂
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a deep purple. Sorry for the mix up.
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a deep purple. ??? Sorry for the mix up.
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a??? deep purple. Sorry for the mix up.
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a deep purple. Sorry for??? the mix up.
[..YouTube..] You’re right bro, it’s more like a deep purple. Sorry for the??? mix up.
[..YouTube..] so creative to drink it LOL
[..YouTube..] so??? creative to drink it LOL
[..YouTube..] so creative to??? drink it LOL
[..YouTube..] so creative to drink??? it LOL
[..YouTube..] im thirsty
[..YouTube..] im thirsty???
[..YouTube..] im??? thirsty
[..YouTube..] drink up
[..YouTube..] drink??? up
[..YouTube..] drink up???
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2 in an hour can cause some damage
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2??? in an hour can cause some damage
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2 in an hour can cause??? some damage
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2 in??? an hour can cause some damage
[..YouTube..] Careful more than 2 in an hour??? can cause some damage
[..YouTube..] lol drink it you p u ss y
[..YouTube..] lol drink??? it you p u ss y
[..YouTube..] lol drink it you??? p u ss y
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about 4 in 30seconds? shoenice22 ftw!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about??? 4 in 30seconds? shoenice22 ftw!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about 4 in 30seconds? shoenice22??? ftw!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about 4??? in 30seconds? shoenice22 ftw!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano what about 4 in 30seconds???? shoenice22 ftw!
[..YouTube..] First time I had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or 3 then just alcohol. That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] First time I had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or??? 3 then just alcohol. That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] First time I had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or 3 then just alcohol.??? That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] First time I??? had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or 3 then just alcohol. That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] First time??? I had jager bombs I did 7 or 8 In roughly 2 hours. Recommend only having 2 or 3 then just alcohol. That caffine fucks you up…..in a bad way
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz you the man
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz you??? the man
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz??? you the man
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz you the man???
[..YouTube..] once you stop feeling the effects of the caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] once you stop feeling the effects of the caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink??? multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] once you stop feeling the effects of the??? caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] once you stop feeling the effects??? of the caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] once you??? stop feeling the effects of the caffiene in the redbull…ALL the alcohol will kick in, so take time to drink multiple J-Bombs
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz That is no match to the combination of red bull + cider and drink that with jager. That’ll fuck you up really bad
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz That is no match to the combination of red bull + cider and drink that with??? jager. That’ll fuck you up really bad
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz That is no match to the combination of??? red bull + cider and drink that with jager. That’ll fuck you up really bad
[..YouTube..] @Dpazkatraz That is no match to??? the combination of red bull + cider and drink that with jager. That’ll fuck you up really bad
[..YouTube..] i sould have been more Red Bull in it :/
[..YouTube..] i sould have??? been more Red Bull in it :/
[..YouTube..] i sould have been more Red??? Bull in it :/
[..YouTube..] i??? sould have been more Red Bull in it :/
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done 6 in a hr plus chasers..
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done??? 6 in a hr plus chasers..
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done 6 in a hr??? plus chasers..
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done 6 in a hr plus??? chasers..
[..YouTube..] 2 in an hour.. lmaooi’m 15 and ive done 6 in a hr plus chasers.. ???
[..YouTube..] man up you idiots, the red bull counteracts the jaeger and the effects of drunkeness are vastly reduced !
[..YouTube..] man??? up you idiots, the red bull counteracts the jaeger and the effects of drunkeness are vastly reduced !
[..YouTube..] man up you idiots, the red bull counteracts the jaeger and the effects of drunkeness are vastly reduced ! ???
[..YouTube..] man up you idiots, the red bull??? counteracts the jaeger and the effects of drunkeness are vastly reduced !
[..YouTube..] man up you idiots, the red bull counteracts the jaeger and the effects??? of drunkeness are vastly reduced !
[..YouTube..] a bomb to the man in the video!!! perrfectly put
[..YouTube..] a bomb to??? the man in the video!!! perrfectly put
[..YouTube..] a bomb to the man??? in the video!!! perrfectly put
[..YouTube..] a bomb to the man in the??? video!!! perrfectly put
[..YouTube..] a bomb to the man in the video!!! perrfectly??? put
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true.??? The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko??? Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The??? Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] @EpiczombieSurvival No that??? is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] No that is not true. The effects of caffeine do not counteract alcohol. Look at the scientific report called “The Four-Loko Effect”.
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol.??? I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like??? its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m??? a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] You can tell this guy is a whiskey on??? the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
You can tell this guy is a whiskey on the rocks type of guy. He looks at the drink like its contagious lol. I’m a rum & coke man myself
[..YouTube..] This guy hates his life
This guy hates his life
[..YouTube..] How do you know.
How do you know.
[..YouTube..] Red Bull is like cancer in a can
Red Bull is like cancer in a can
[..YouTube..] Why do you say that?
Why do you say that?
[..YouTube..] @NewToTheLyte Rum & coke ftw!
[..YouTube..] Rum & coke ftw!
Rum & coke ftw!
[..YouTube..] That’s a lot of c affine
That’s a lot of c affine
[..YouTube..] yager balm
yager balm
[..YouTube..] @JVL8701 Right on a great drink!
[..YouTube..] Right on a great drink!
Right on a great drink!
[..YouTube..] That’s what it think it taste like, but it may taste differently to others. Try it sometime and let me know what you think.
That’s what it think it taste like, but it may taste differently to others. Try it sometime and let me know what you think.
[..YouTube..] i like how he comments on his own videos so it looks like he has comments lol
i like how he comments on his own videos so it looks like he has comments lol
[..YouTube..] @hulksmash911911 Hey stupid, I only reply to other peoples comments. Like I’m doing to your dumb ass comments.
[..YouTube..] Hey stupid, I only reply to other peoples comments. Like I’m doing to your dumb ass comments.
Hey stupid, I only reply to other peoples comments. Like I’m doing to your dumb ass comments.
[..YouTube..] I’m graduating h.s. in about 3 months and starting college on september. What I want to do is get a part time job to make some extra cash to pay for any school expenses my financial aid won’t cover. So I was thinking bartending — ny is a great place, lots of people ready to spend everyday… Problem is, I only know very little about drinks (only know a couple of recipes) and have no skills mixing… So now I’m doing research… on bartending schools… I like your videos.
I’m graduating h.s. in about 3 months and starting college on september. What I want to do is get a part time job to make some extra cash to pay for any school expenses my financial aid won’t cover. So I was thinking bartending — ny is a great place, lots of people ready to spend everyday… Problem is, I only know very little about drinks (only know a couple of recipes) and have no skills mixing… So now I’m doing research… on bartending schools… I like your videos.
[..YouTube..] Well, in Germany we just call it Jager Bull
Well, in Germany we just call it Jager Bull
[..YouTube..] If you live in the New York, New Jersey or Palm Desert area give us a call at 800-532-9222. We are offering a special discount on the class. Our 40 hours includes job placement. Good luck.
If you live in the New York, New Jersey or Palm Desert area give us a call at 800-532-9222. We are offering a special discount on the class. Our 40 hours includes job placement. Good luck.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the information. Always happy to hear from our friend from other parts of the world.
Thanks for the information. Always happy to hear from our friend from other parts of the world.
[..YouTube..] Anytime.Btw I think Ramazzotti tastes like Jagermeister but it’s a bit smoother. Give it a try
Anytime.Btw I think Ramazzotti tastes like Jagermeister but it’s a bit smoother. Give it a try
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your comments. It has a unique taste.
Thanks for your comments. It has a unique taste.
[..YouTube..] not exactly the case the ingredients in energy dinks allow your body to absorb the vitamins, and caffine in them faster, which in return while drinking with alcohol will allow the alcohol to give you a quicker buzz, trust me on the energy drink part ive been drinking 1-2 a day for 3 yrs now
not exactly the case the ingredients in energy dinks allow your body to absorb the vitamins, and caffine in them faster, which in return while drinking with alcohol will allow the alcohol to give you a quicker buzz, trust me on the energy drink part ive been drinking 1-2 a day for 3 yrs now
[..YouTube..] Great comment. Thanks for sharing.
Great comment. Thanks for sharing.