112 thoughts on “Cuba Libre

  • [..YouTube..] that’s not lime you’re using…looks more like lemon, and it’s cuba librE… and you should??? use some good dark rum

  • [..YouTube..] that’s not lime you’re using…looks more like lemon, and it’s cuba librE… and you should use some??? good dark rum

  • [..YouTube..] that’s not lime you’re using…looks more like lemon, and it’s cuba librE… and you should use some good dark rum???

  • [..YouTube..] that’s??? not lime you’re using…looks more like lemon, and it’s cuba librE… and you should use some good dark rum

  • that’s not lime you’re using…looks more like lemon, and it’s cuba librE… and you should use some good dark rum

  • that’s not lime you’re using…looks more like lemon, and it’s cuba librE… and you should use some good dark rum

  • [..YouTube..] that’s not lime you’re using…looks more like lemon, and it’s cuba librE… and you should use some good dark rum

  • [..YouTube..] how to make it is with a shot and a quarter of j d into a shaker with one tea spoon of suger and ice and one hole lime juice ,shake it??? up well,then get a 12oz slim jim fill the glass with ice,then fill the glass 3 quarters of coke ,get your mix a pour nice and slow on top of the coke ,it should look like its layered . and thats it by kevin corkery of the clarion hotel cork ireland give it a go its mmmmmmm yummie

  • [..YouTube..] how to make it is with a shot and a??? quarter of j d into a shaker with one tea spoon of suger and ice and one hole lime juice ,shake it up well,then get a 12oz slim jim fill the glass with ice,then fill the glass 3 quarters of coke ,get your mix a pour nice and slow on top of the coke ,it should look like its layered . and thats it by kevin corkery of the clarion hotel cork ireland give it a go its mmmmmmm yummie

  • [..YouTube..] how to make it is with a shot and a quarter of j d into a shaker with one tea spoon of suger and ice and one hole lime juice ,shake it up well,then get a 12oz slim jim fill the glass with ice,then fill the glass 3 quarters of coke ,get your mix a pour nice and slow on top of the coke ,it should look like its layered . and thats it by kevin corkery of the clarion hotel cork ireland give it??? a go its mmmmmmm yummie

  • [..YouTube..] how to make it is with a shot and a quarter of j d into a shaker with one??? tea spoon of suger and ice and one hole lime juice ,shake it up well,then get a 12oz slim jim fill the glass with ice,then fill the glass 3 quarters of coke ,get your mix a pour nice and slow on top of the coke ,it should look like its layered . and thats it by kevin corkery of the clarion hotel cork ireland give it a go its mmmmmmm yummie


    how to make it is with a shot and a quarter of j d into a shaker with one tea spoon of suger and ice and one hole lime juice ,shake it up well,then get a 12oz slim jim fill the glass with ice,then fill the glass 3 quarters of coke ,get your mix a pour nice and slow on top of the coke ,it should look like its layered . and thats it by kevin corkery of the clarion hotel cork ireland give it a go its mmmmmmm yummie

  • [..YouTube..] how to make it is with a shot and a quarter of j d into a shaker with one tea spoon of suger and ice and one hole lime juice ,shake it up well,then get a 12oz slim jim fill the glass with ice,then fill the glass 3 quarters of coke ,get your mix a pour nice and slow on top of the coke ,it should look like its layered . and thats it by kevin corkery of the clarion hotel cork ireland give it a go its mmmmmmm yummie

  • [..YouTube..] Cuba libra? capricornio, escorpio, sagitario?cuba libre!!!!Inculto

  • [..YouTube..] Cuba libra???? capricornio, escorpio, sagitario?cuba libre!!!!Inculto

  • [..YouTube..] Cuba libra? capricornio, escorpio, sagitario?cuba??? libre!!!!Inculto

  • [..YouTube..] Cuba libra? capricornio, escorpio, sagitario?cuba libre!!!!Inculto???

  • [..YouTube..] Cuba libra? capricornio, escorpio,??? sagitario?cuba libre!!!!Inculto

  • lletset

    Cuba libra? capricornio, escorpio, sagitario?cuba libre!!!!Inculto

  • [..YouTube..] Cuba libra? capricornio, escorpio, sagitario?
    cuba libre!!!!

  • johnramboelloco

    its Cuba Libre not cuba librA

  • mauricio5140


  • [..YouTube..] it is??? actually spelled “CUBA LIBRE”, but we got the idea…

  • [..YouTube..] it is actually spelled “CUBA LIBRE”, but we??? got the idea…

  • [..YouTube..] it is actually spelled “CUBA LIBRE”, but we got??? the idea…

  • [..YouTube..] it is actually spelled??? “CUBA LIBRE”, but we got the idea…

  • kelvyfajardo

    it is actually spelled “CUBA LIBRE”, but we got the idea…

  • [..YouTube..] it is actually spelled “CUBA LIBRE”, but we got the idea…

  • cesarhp

    Cuba LIbrEEE se??or!!!…..

  • UnholyMissclick

    at least learn the name of the cocktail ….

  • [..YouTube..] this guy makes a huge mistake in every single video. I think he does it on purpose. It’s avant-garde humor.

  • [..YouTube..] this guy makes a huge mistake in every single video. I think he does it on purpose. It’s avant-garde humor.???

  • [..YouTube..] this guy??? makes a huge mistake in every single video. I think he does it on purpose. It’s avant-garde humor.

  • [..YouTube..] this guy makes a huge mistake in every single video. I think he does??? it on purpose. It’s avant-garde humor.

  • [..YouTube..] this guy makes a huge??? mistake in every single video. I think he does it on purpose. It’s avant-garde humor.

  • tiananman

    this guy makes a huge mistake in every single video. I think he does it on purpose. It’s avant-garde humor.

  • [..YouTube..] Thanks for the kind words. Where are your videos?

  • [..YouTube..] Thanks for the kind words. Where??? are your videos?

  • [..YouTube..] Thanks??? for the kind words. Where are your videos?

  • [..YouTube..] Thanks for the kind words. Where are??? your videos?

  • [..YouTube..] Thanks for the kind words. ??? Where are your videos?

  • Thanks for the kind words. Where are your videos?

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I don’t know how to bartend. I know what you’re thinking, “don’t let your lack of knowledge or expertise about bartending dissuade you from making a video!”I guess I just don’t have your blind confidence.

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I don’t know how to bartend. I know what you’re thinking, “don’t let your lack of knowledge or expertise about bartending dissuade you from making a video!”I guess I just don’t??? have your blind confidence.

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I don’t know how to bartend. I know what you’re thinking, “don’t let your lack of knowledge or expertise about bartending dissuade??? you from making a video!”I guess I just don’t have your blind confidence.

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I don’t know how to bartend. I know what you’re thinking, “don’t let your lack of knowledge or expertise about bartending??? dissuade you from making a video!”I guess I just don’t have your blind confidence.

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I don’t know how to bartend. I know what you’re thinking, “don’t let your lack of knowledge or??? expertise about bartending dissuade you from making a video!”I guess I just don’t have your blind confidence.

  • [..YouTube..] I don’t know how to bartend. I know what you’re thinking, “don’t let your lack of knowledge or expertise about bartending dissuade you from making a video!”I guess I just don’t have your blind confidence.

  • tiananman

    I don’t know how to bartend. I know what you’re thinking, “don’t let your lack of knowledge or expertise about bartending dissuade you from making a video!”I guess I just don’t have your blind confidence.

  • royceleanzer

    we busy making good drinks behind the bar ..

  • [..YouTube..] So, who are you??? to judge my videos?

  • [..YouTube..] So, who are you to judge my??? videos?

  • [..YouTube..] So, who??? are you to judge my videos?

  • So, who are you to judge my videos?

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I’m a guy who has watched many of your videos and seen how bad they are. Just like – I’ve eaten at McDonald’s and I know it’s shit. I don’t have to be a food critic to know that McDonald’s is shit, just like I don’t need to be a bartender or a videographer to know that you suck at bartending and at making videos.

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I’m a guy who has watched many of your videos and seen how bad they are. Just like – I’ve eaten at McDonald’s and??? I know it’s shit. I don’t have to be a food critic to know that McDonald’s is shit, just like I don’t need to be a bartender or a videographer to know that you suck at bartending and at making videos.

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I’m a guy who has watched many of your videos and seen how bad they are. Just like – I’ve eaten at McDonald’s and I know it’s shit. I don’t have to be a food critic to know that McDonald’s is shit, just like I don’t need to be a bartender or a videographer to know that??? you suck at bartending and at making videos.

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I’m a guy who has watched many of your videos and seen how bad they are. Just like – I’ve eaten at McDonald’s and I know it’s shit. I don’t have to be a food critic to know that McDonald’s is shit, just like I don’t need to be a??? bartender or a videographer to know that you suck at bartending and at making videos.

  • [..YouTube..] @jtiano I’m a guy who has watched many of your videos and seen how bad they are. Just like – I’ve eaten at McDonald’s and I know it’s shit. I don’t have to be??? a food critic to know that McDonald’s is shit, just like I don’t need to be a bartender or a videographer to know that you suck at bartending and at making videos.

  • [..YouTube..] I’m a guy who has watched many of your videos and seen how bad they are. Just like – I’ve eaten at McDonald’s and I know it’s shit. I don’t have to be a food critic to know that McDonald’s is shit, just like I don’t need to be a bartender or a videographer to know that you suck at bartending and at making videos.

  • tiananman

    I’m a guy who has watched many of your videos and seen how bad they are. Just like – I’ve eaten at McDonald’s and I know it’s shit. I don’t have to be a food critic to know that McDonald’s is shit, just like I don’t need to be a bartender or a videographer to know that you suck at bartending and at making videos.

  • [..YouTube..] I hope my show gets picked up by HBO.

  • [..YouTube..] I hope my show??? gets picked up by HBO.

  • [..YouTube..] I hope my show gets picked up by??? HBO.

  • [..YouTube..] I??? hope my show gets picked up by HBO.

  • [..YouTube..] I hope??? my show gets picked up by HBO.

  • I hope my show gets picked up by HBO.

  • [..YouTube..] bad video. u have to use the lime before u put the coke in it..

  • RnBciO

    bad video. u have to use the lime before u put the coke in it..

  • [..YouTube..] The proper way is to squeeze the lime so the juice floats on top. Either way is correct.

  • jtiano

    The proper way is to squeeze the lime so the juice floats on top. Either way is correct.

  • [..YouTube..] The harsh comments directed at Jack and his videos are undeserved and grossly unfair. As a former bartender, who worked one of the more exclusive bars in London, I feel that Jack’s friendly style makes you feel comfortable and not intimidated. He has a direct yet relaxed delivery, while casually demonstrating techniques and mixtures; he’s competent without being snooty or pretentious. The last thing that I want, as a customer, is a smartass, pretentiousknow-it-all condescending to serve me.

  • hasablad69

    The harsh comments directed at Jack and his videos are undeserved and grossly unfair. As a former bartender, who worked one of the more exclusive bars in London, I feel that Jack’s friendly style makes you feel comfortable and not intimidated. He has a direct yet relaxed delivery, while casually demonstrating techniques and mixtures; he’s competent without being snooty or pretentious. The last thing that I want, as a customer, is a smartass, pretentiousknow-it-all condescending to serve me.

  • [..YouTube..] The harsh comments directed at Jack and his videos are undeserved and grossly unfair. As a former bartender, who worked one of the more exclusive bars in London, I feel that Jack’s friendly style makes you feel comfortable and not intimidated. He has a direct yet relaxed delivery, while casually demonstrating techniques and mixtures; he’s competent without being snooty or pretentious. The last thing that I want, as a customer, is a smartass, pretentious know-it-all condescending to serve me.

  • hasablad69

    The harsh comments directed at Jack and his videos are undeserved and grossly unfair. As a former bartender, who worked one of the more exclusive bars in London, I feel that Jack’s friendly style makes you feel comfortable and not intimidated. He has a direct yet relaxed delivery, while casually demonstrating techniques and mixtures; he’s competent without being snooty or pretentious. The last thing that I want, as a customer, is a smartass, pretentious know-it-all condescending to serve me.

  • LongviewGD182

    He reminds me of the bartender from Family Guy

  • Thanks for the compliment.


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