[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look,??? it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then??? pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look, it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green??? look, it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look, it will be bright??? bright blue.
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look, it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] I think I’ll try one.
[..YouTube..] um you uploaded the same video twice
[..YouTube..] Please forgive him. He gets a little plastered while making these videos.
lol this is the electric lemonade just without the sprite
[..YouTube..] lol this is the electric lemonade just without the sprite
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look,??? it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then??? pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look, it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green??? look, it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look, it will be bright??? bright blue.
Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look, it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] Your supposed to shake the ingredients together and then pour it into a glass…..you won’t get that green look, it will be bright bright blue.
[..YouTube..] its better to use lemon lime soda instead??? of lemonade
[..YouTube..] its better to use??? lemon lime soda instead of lemonade
[..YouTube..] its better to use lemon lime soda instead of lemonade???
[..YouTube..] its??? better to use lemon lime soda instead of lemonade
its better to use lemon lime soda instead of lemonade
[..YouTube..] its better to use lemon lime soda instead of lemonade
[..YouTube..] so does he drink??? each drink after he makes it? lol
[..YouTube..] so does he drink each drink after he makes??? it? lol
[..YouTube..] so does he drink each drink after he makes it???? lol
so does he drink each drink after he makes it? lol
[..YouTube..] so does he drink each drink after he makes it? lol
[..YouTube..] Electric lemonade uses mostly sweet and??? sour mix as the mixer and only a dash of sprite/7up/lemonade.
[..YouTube..] Electric lemonade uses mostly sweet and sour mix as the??? mixer and only a dash of sprite/7up/lemonade.
[..YouTube..] Electric lemonade uses mostly sweet and sour mix as the mixer and only a dash of sprite/7up/lemonade.???
[..YouTube..] Electric lemonade uses??? mostly sweet and sour mix as the mixer and only a dash of sprite/7up/lemonade.
Electric lemonade uses mostly sweet and sour mix as the mixer and only a dash of sprite/7up/lemonade.
Electric lemonade uses mostly sweet and sour mix as the mixer and only a dash of sprite/7up/lemonade.
[..YouTube..] Electric lemonade uses mostly sweet and sour mix as the mixer and only a dash of sprite/7up/lemonade.
[..YouTube..] lol i like the way he pronounce??? curacao
[..YouTube..] lol i like the way he pronounce curacao???
[..YouTube..] lol i like??? the way he pronounce curacao
[..YouTube..] lol??? i like the way he pronounce curacao
[..YouTube..] lol i like the way he pronounce curacao
[..YouTube..] LolWhat about doses? do you alwais use to measure them? can’t you just use metal poors and count? lolHow professional you are ; )
[..YouTube..] LolWhat about doses? do you alwais use to measure them? can’t you just use metal poors??? and count? lolHow professional you are ; )
[..YouTube..] LolWhat about doses? do you alwais use to measure them? can’t??? you just use metal poors and count? lolHow professional you are ; )
[..YouTube..] LolWhat about doses? do you alwais use to measure them? can’t you just use metal poors and count? lolHow professional you are ;??? )
[..YouTube..] LolWhat about doses? do you alwais use to measure them? can’t you just use metal??? poors and count? lolHow professional you are ; )
LolWhat about doses? do you alwais use to measure them? can’t you just use metal poors and count? lolHow professional you are ; )
What about doses? do you alwais use to measure them? can’t you just use metal poors and count? lol
How professional you are ; )
[..YouTube..] Lol
What about doses? do you alwais use to measure them? can’t you just use metal poors and count? lol
How professional you are ; )
[..YouTube..] this guy is in party??? mode from tasting all those drinks haha.
[..YouTube..] this guy is in party mode from tasting all those??? drinks haha.
[..YouTube..] this guy is in party mode??? from tasting all those drinks haha.
[..YouTube..] this guy is??? in party mode from tasting all those drinks haha.
this guy is in party mode from tasting all those drinks haha.
[..YouTube..] this guy is in party mode from tasting all those drinks haha.
for sm reson i get a felling he dnt wnt 2 be there lol he looks shiffty like a drugy lololool
[..YouTube..] for sm reson i get a felling he dnt wnt 2 be there lol he looks shiffty like a drugy lololool
[..YouTube..] did he seriously said blue corako lol
[..YouTube..] this is green lagoon :D???
[..YouTube..] this is green lagoon???
this is green lagoon
[..YouTube..] this is green lagoon
[..YouTube..] j??germeister in the upper??? right corner
[..YouTube..] j??germeister??? in the upper right corner
j??germeister in the upper right corner
[..YouTube..] j??germeister in the upper right corner
[..YouTube..] j??germeister in the upper right corner
[..YouTube..] 1oz of the good stuff??? Id have to drink 20 to get a good buzz??? goin…geeees
[..YouTube..] 1oz of the good stuff??? Id have to drink 20 to get a good??? buzz goin…geeees
[..YouTube..] 1oz of the good stuff??? ??? Id have to drink 20 to get a good buzz goin…geeees
[..YouTube..] 1oz of the good stuff??? Id??? have to drink 20 to get a good buzz goin…geeees
1oz of the good stuff??? Id have to drink 20 to get a good buzz goin…geeees
[..YouTube..] 1oz of the good stuff??? Id have to drink 20 to get a good buzz goin…geeees
[..YouTube..] 1oz of the good stuff??? Id have to drink 20 to get a good buzz goin…geeees
[..YouTube..] bad??? bad
[..YouTube..] bad bad???
bad bad
[..YouTube..] bad bad
[..YouTube..] more vodka please!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] more??? vodka please!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] more vodka??? please!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] more vodka please!!!!!!!!!!!???
more vodka please!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] @Elokote lol if u use a little bit of lemon lime soda and lemonade with this same recipe you got yourself a Electric Lemonade o yea
[..YouTube..] @Elokote lol if u use a little??? bit of lemon lime soda and lemonade with this same recipe you got yourself a Electric Lemonade o yea
[..YouTube..] @Elokote lol if u use a little bit of lemon lime??? soda and lemonade with this same recipe you got yourself a Electric Lemonade o yea
[..YouTube..] @Elokote lol if u use??? a little bit of lemon lime soda and lemonade with this same recipe you got yourself a Electric Lemonade o yea
[..YouTube..] He looks so drunk
[..YouTube..] He looks so??? drunk
[..YouTube..] He looks so drunk???
[..YouTube..] He looks??? so drunk
He looks so drunk
[..YouTube..] ay! it looks little green!? you meant to add lime lemonade! .. it’s mean to be “BLUE” thats why they call it blue lagoon!1
[..YouTube..] ay! it looks little green!? you meant to add lime lemonade! .. it’s mean to be “BLUE” thats why they??? call it blue lagoon!1
[..YouTube..] ay! it looks little green!? you meant to add lime lemonade!??? .. it’s mean to be “BLUE” thats why they call it blue lagoon!1
[..YouTube..] ay! it looks little green!? you meant to add lime lemonade! .. it’s mean to be “BLUE” thats why they call it blue lagoon!1???
[..YouTube..] ay! it looks little green!? you??? meant to add lime lemonade! .. it’s mean to be “BLUE” thats why they call it blue lagoon!1
[..YouTube..] blue lagoon made with tequila???? not vodka??
[..YouTube..] blue lagoon made??? with tequila???? not vodka??
[..YouTube..] blue??? lagoon made with tequila???? not vodka??
[..YouTube..] blue lagoon??? made with tequila???? not vodka??
blue lagoon made with tequila???? not vodka??
[..YouTube..] isnt blue lagoon traditionally made with tequila not vodka???
[..YouTube..] isnt blue lagoon traditionally made with??? tequila not vodka???
[..YouTube..] isnt blue lagoon traditionally made with tequila not vodka??????
[..YouTube..] isnt??? blue lagoon traditionally made with tequila not vodka???
isnt blue lagoon traditionally made with tequila not vodka???
[..YouTube..] I like how all the other blue lagoons on the suggested videos are actually blue.
[..YouTube..] I like how all the other blue lagoons on the suggested videos are??? actually blue.
[..YouTube..] I like how all the other??? blue lagoons on the suggested videos are actually blue.
[..YouTube..] I like how all the??? other blue lagoons on the suggested videos are actually blue.
I like how all the other blue lagoons on the suggested videos are actually blue.
[..YouTube..] he looks like he just tried all of the drink he made
[..YouTube..] half oz of vodka??… how am i suppose to get drunk?!?!?
[..YouTube..] half oz of vodka??… how??? am i suppose to get drunk?!?!?
[..YouTube..] half??? oz of vodka??… how am i suppose to get drunk?!?!?
[..YouTube..] half oz of??? vodka??… how am i suppose to get drunk?!?!?
[..YouTube..] half oz of vodka??… how am i suppose to get??? drunk?!?!?
half oz of vodka??… how am i suppose to get drunk?!?!?
[..YouTube..] What would you call the drink if you used moonshine instead of vodka??
[..YouTube..] What would you call the drink if you used??? moonshine instead of vodka??
[..YouTube..] What would you call the drink if you used moonshine instead of vodka?????
[..YouTube..] What would you call the drink if you used moonshine instead??? of vodka??
[..YouTube..] What would you call the??? drink if you used moonshine instead of vodka??
What would you call the drink if you used moonshine instead of vodka??
[..YouTube..] Kurako? :p
[..YouTube..] Kurako? :p???
[..YouTube..] Kurako???? :p
Kurako? :p
[..YouTube..] coraco? ITS CORA????O
[..YouTube..] coraco? ITS??? CORA????O
[..YouTube..] coraco? ITS CORA????O???
coraco? ITS CORA????O
[..YouTube..] this is green lagoon, not blue.
[..YouTube..] this is green lagoon, not??? blue.
[..YouTube..] this is green lagoon, not blue.???
this is green lagoon, not blue.
[..YouTube..] Your monitor color is off.
[..YouTube..] Your??? monitor color is off.
[..YouTube..] Your monitor color??? is off.
[..YouTube..] Your monitor??? color is off.
Your monitor color is off.
[..YouTube..] it looks like shit…
it looks like shit…
[..YouTube..] We made another
We made another