The galliano bottle is one of the best weapons a bartender has behind the bar. You get a good swing with that bad boy and it connects, its LIGHTS OUT!!
[..YouTube..] he made that so wrong!!!! first you build it and second you float the galliano……..and how come you cant free pour all this im only in bar tending school and i can free pour all that
he made that so wrong!!!! first you build it and second you float the galliano……..and how come you cant free pour all this im only in bar tending school and i can free pour all that
[..YouTube..] I didn’t make it wrong. You can float or shake it. The shaking mixes the ingredients more thoroughly. If they’re allowing you to free pour in bartending school you’re going to a second rate bartending school. Bartenders who free pour over pour by 33% according to studies.
I didn’t make it wrong. You can float or shake it. The shaking mixes the ingredients more thoroughly. If they’re allowing you to free pour in bartending school you’re going to a second rate bartending school. Bartenders who free pour over pour by 33% according to studies.
[..YouTube..] hes more??? chill in this video, i like it
[..YouTube..] hes more chill in this video, i??? like it
[..YouTube..] hes more chill in this video, i like it???
[..YouTube..] hes more chill in??? this video, i like it
hes more chill in this video, i like it
hes more chill in this video, i like it
[..YouTube..] hes more chill in this video, i like it
[..YouTube..] lol im 4???
[..YouTube..] lol??? im 4
lol im 4
[..YouTube..] lol im 4
[..YouTube..] pew pew pew. my msn messenger id is in my??? profile! msg me if u want! h
[..YouTube..] pew pew??? pew. my msn messenger id is in my profile! msg me if u want! h
[..YouTube..] pew pew pew. my msn messenger??? id is in my profile! msg me if u want! h
[..YouTube..] pew pew pew. my msn messenger id is in my profile! msg me if u want!??? h
pew pew pew. my msn messenger id is in my profile! msg me if u want! h
pew pew pew. my msn messenger id is in my profile! msg me if u want! h
[..YouTube..] pew pew pew. my msn messenger id is in my profile! msg me if u want! h
[..YouTube..] make a black velvet i heard it is hard to make??? since it is hard to mix champange with beer
[..YouTube..] make a black velvet i heard??? it is hard to make since it is hard to mix champange with beer
[..YouTube..] make a black velvet i heard it is hard to make since it is hard??? to mix champange with beer
[..YouTube..] make a black velvet i heard it is hard to make since it is hard to mix champange with??? beer
make a black velvet i heard it is hard to make since it is hard to mix champange with beer
make a black velvet i heard it is hard to make since it is hard to mix champange with beer
[..YouTube..] make a black velvet i heard it is hard to make since it is hard to mix champange with beer
[..YouTube..] I want to know how??? many he sampled BEFORE filming the video!
[..YouTube..] I want to know how many he sampled BEFORE??? filming the video!
[..YouTube..] I want to know how many he sampled BEFORE filming the??? video!
[..YouTube..] I want to know how many he??? sampled BEFORE filming the video!
I want to know how many he sampled BEFORE filming the video!
I want to know how many he sampled BEFORE filming the video!
[..YouTube..] I want to know how many he sampled BEFORE filming the video!
[..YouTube..] Uhm… Aren’t you supposed to FLOAT the Galiano, not shake it with the rest of the??? build?
[..YouTube..] Uhm… Aren’t you supposed to FLOAT the Galiano, not shake it??? with the rest of the build?
[..YouTube..] Uhm… Aren’t you??? supposed to FLOAT the Galiano, not shake it with the rest of the build?
[..YouTube..] Uhm… Aren’t you supposed to??? FLOAT the Galiano, not shake it with the rest of the build?
Uhm… Aren’t you supposed to FLOAT the Galiano, not shake it with the rest of the build?
[..YouTube..] Uhm… Aren’t you supposed to FLOAT the Galiano, not shake it with the rest of the build?
[..YouTube..] 1 TOO??? MANY! LOL!
[..YouTube..] 1??? TOO MANY! LOL!
[..YouTube..] 1 TOO MANY! LOL!
[..YouTube..] you??? should be, but this barman is a dick
[..YouTube..] you should??? be, but this barman is a dick
[..YouTube..] you should be, but this barman is a dick???
[..YouTube..] you should be, but this barman??? is a dick
[..YouTube..] you should be, but this barman is a dick
[..YouTube..] never had 1 that looks like that…???
[..YouTube..] never had??? 1 that looks like that…
[..YouTube..] never had 1 that??? looks like that…
never had 1 that looks like that…
[..YouTube..] never had 1 that looks like that…
[..YouTube..] This guy is a fucking??? geek!!!!
[..YouTube..] This guy is??? a fucking geek!!!!
[..YouTube..] This guy is a??? fucking geek!!!!
[..YouTube..] This guy is a fucking geek!!!!
[..YouTube..] I prefer the Galliano floated??? on top. I like Galliano! (Hate the bottle, though!)
[..YouTube..] I prefer??? the Galliano floated on top. I like Galliano! (Hate the bottle, though!)
[..YouTube..] I prefer the Galliano floated on top. I like Galliano!??? (Hate the bottle, though!)
[..YouTube..] I prefer the Galliano floated on top. I??? like Galliano! (Hate the bottle, though!)
I prefer the Galliano floated on top. I like Galliano! (Hate the bottle, though!)
[..YouTube..] I prefer the Galliano floated on top. I like Galliano! (Hate the bottle, though!)
[..YouTube..] @jrgilby nope, the harvey wallbanger is a built drink actually, just half vodka, half galliano,and o.j.! no shaking needed!
[..YouTube..] @jrgilby nope,??? the harvey wallbanger is a built drink actually, just half vodka, half galliano,and o.j.! no shaking needed!
[..YouTube..] @jrgilby nope, the harvey wallbanger is a built drink??? actually, just half vodka, half galliano,and o.j.! no shaking needed!
[..YouTube..] @jrgilby nope, the harvey wallbanger is a built drink actually, just half??? vodka, half galliano,and o.j.! no shaking needed!
[..YouTube..] @jrgilby nope, the harvey??? wallbanger is a built drink actually, just half vodka, half galliano,and o.j.! no shaking needed!
[..YouTube..] nope, the harvey wallbanger is a built drink actually, just half vodka, half galliano,and o.j.! no shaking needed!
nope, the harvey wallbanger is a built drink actually, just half vodka, half galliano,and o.j.! no shaking needed!
[..YouTube..] Galliano is made in France. It says so on the label.
The galliano bottle is one of the best weapons a bartender has behind the bar. You get a good swing with that bad boy and it connects, its LIGHTS OUT!!
It’s a screwdriver with galliano floated on top.
[..YouTube..] @silentlightningdice it’s because he’s drunk.
[..YouTube..] @silentlightningdice it’s because he’s drunk.???
[..YouTube..] @silentlightningdice it’s because??? he’s drunk.
[..YouTube..] @silentlightningdice it’s??? because he’s drunk.
[..YouTube..] it’s because he’s drunk.
it’s because he’s drunk.
[..YouTube..] I guess the people who went to our school and are working as bartenders making a $200-$300 daily wouldn’t agree with you.
[..YouTube..] I guess the people who went to our school and are working as bartenders making a $200-$300 daily wouldn’t??? agree with you.
[..YouTube..] I guess the people who went to our school and are working as bartenders making a $200-$300 daily wouldn’t agree with??? you.
[..YouTube..] I guess the people who went to our school and are working as bartenders??? making a $200-$300 daily wouldn’t agree with you.
[..YouTube..] I guess the people who went to our school and are working as??? bartenders making a $200-$300 daily wouldn’t agree with you.
I guess the people who went to our school and are working as bartenders making a $200-$300 daily wouldn’t agree with you.
[..YouTube..] @yakult244 It’s Italian,It MAY be produced in france, but it’s originally from Italy
[..YouTube..] @yakult244 It’s Italian,It MAY be produced in france, but??? it’s originally from Italy
[..YouTube..] @yakult244 It’s Italian,It MAY be produced??? in france, but it’s originally from Italy
[..YouTube..] @yakult244 It’s Italian,It MAY be produced in??? france, but it’s originally from Italy
[..YouTube..] @yakult244 It’s Italian,It MAY be produced in france, but it’s originally??? from Italy
@yakult244 It’s Italian,It MAY be produced in france, but it’s originally from Italy
[..YouTube..] this guy can’t even free pour….
this guy can’t even free pour….
[..YouTube..] @IAMCanadian4ever How do you know?
[..YouTube..] How do you know?
How do you know?
[..YouTube..] he made that so wrong!!!! first you build it and second you float the galliano……..and how come you cant free pour all this im only in bar tending school and i can free pour all that
he made that so wrong!!!! first you build it and second you float the galliano……..and how come you cant free pour all this im only in bar tending school and i can free pour all that
[..YouTube..] I didn’t make it wrong. You can float or shake it. The shaking mixes the ingredients more thoroughly. If they’re allowing you to free pour in bartending school you’re going to a second rate bartending school. Bartenders who free pour over pour by 33% according to studies.
I didn’t make it wrong. You can float or shake it. The shaking mixes the ingredients more thoroughly. If they’re allowing you to free pour in bartending school you’re going to a second rate bartending school. Bartenders who free pour over pour by 33% according to studies.