Caipirinha Cocktail Drink Recipe
Muddle in a mixing glass limes and cane sugar,next add shake with ice and serve with soda water or sprite if you like it sweeter
- Table spoon sugar
- 6 lime wedges
- 1 oz. Cachaca Brazilian liquor
- Soda water
- Splash sweet &sour(optional)
- shake
The term caipira refers to a person from the countryside or hillbilly, this is the working mans drink of Brazil. It can also be made with fresh fruits such as oranges , pineapple and even chilies. This is rum made from fermented sugar cane juice then its distilled, compared to rum that is made from molasses.

[..YouTube..] CACHACA(k xa ‘ca)
[..YouTube..] CACHACA
(k xa ‘ca)
[..YouTube..] its prounounced car-p-re-nia
[..YouTube..] many people dont pronounce this right.. if you watch this jtiano.. its ca, xa, sa —the C letter in portuguese sounds as S … hope to be helpful to you .. great videos youve shared with us. i really appreciate.. cheers man!!
[..YouTube..] many people dont pronounce this right..
if you watch this jtiano.. its ca, xa, sa —
the C letter in portuguese sounds as S …
hope to be helpful to you .. great videos youve shared with us. i really appreciate..
cheers man!!
[..YouTube..] pronounced “cape-eer-een-ah”
[..YouTube..] kai-p-reen-ah but you have to roll your tongue, and it ka-shaw-sa
[..YouTube..] kai-p-reen-ah you have to roll your tongue, and its ka-shaw-sa
[..YouTube..] kai-p-reen-ah but you have to roll your tongue,
and it ka-shaw-sa
[..YouTube..] hahahahahhahah KA XA SSA In reastaurants we ussually use the 51 cacha??a
[..YouTube..] hahahahahhahah KA XA SSA
In reastaurants we ussually use the 51 cacha??a
lol. this dude is awesome
[..YouTube..] lol. this dude is awesome
[..YouTube..] no dude, it kae-py-ry-nhaand k-xha-ssa
[..YouTube..] no dude, it kae-py-ry-nha
and k-xha-ssa
[..YouTube..] nice ! but i think it will be good to roll it 1-2 times before serv it
[..YouTube..] uu hein!
[..YouTube..] uu hein!
[..YouTube..] dude! lower the camera on foot and you won’t look like a midget anymore!
[..YouTube..] YPIROCA AISUAHISUHAISUThis drink pwns
[..YouTube..] YPIROCA AISUAHISUHAISUThis drink??? pwns
[..YouTube..] YPIROCA AISUAHISUHAISUThis??? drink pwns
This drink pwns
This drink pwns
[..YouTube..] man first of all.. about the way that you say CAXACA it is not a problem coz you are not from brazil so it would be normal speak wrong .. but please ask a brazilian HOW TO MAKE THAT coz the way that you are making IT IS NOT CAIPIRINHA.. make a research or ask a brazilian guy how to make it , is totally wrong what you are teaching …??? I am from brazil and I perfect know how to make that … and I think there is no one in brazil who makes the CAIPIRINHA as you are teaching…
[..YouTube..] man first of all.. about the way that you say CAXACA it is not a problem coz you are not from brazil so it would be normal speak wrong .. but please ask a brazilian HOW TO MAKE THAT coz the way that you are making IT IS NOT CAIPIRINHA.. make a research or ask a brazilian guy how to make it , is totally??? wrong what you are teaching … I am from brazil and I perfect know how to make that … and I think there is no one in brazil who makes the CAIPIRINHA as you are teaching…
[..YouTube..] man first of all.. about the way that you??? say CAXACA it is not a problem coz you are not from brazil so it would be normal speak wrong .. but please ask a brazilian HOW TO MAKE THAT coz the way that you are making IT IS NOT CAIPIRINHA.. make a research or ask a brazilian guy how to make it , is totally wrong what you are teaching … I am from brazil and I perfect know how to make that … and I think there is no one in brazil who makes the CAIPIRINHA as you are teaching…
[..YouTube..] man first of all.. about the way that??? you say CAXACA it is not a problem coz you are not from brazil so it would be normal speak wrong .. but please ask a brazilian HOW TO MAKE THAT coz the way that you are making IT IS NOT CAIPIRINHA.. make a research or ask a brazilian guy how to make it , is totally wrong what you are teaching … I am from brazil and I perfect know how to make that … and I think there is no one in brazil who makes the CAIPIRINHA as you are teaching…
[..YouTube..] man first of all.. about the way that you say CAXACA it is not a problem coz you are not from brazil so it would be normal speak wrong .. but please ask a brazilian HOW TO MAKE THAT coz the way that you are making IT IS NOT CAIPIRINHA.. make a research or ask a brazilian guy how to make it , is totally wrong what you are teaching … I am from brazil and I perfect know how to make that … and I think there is no one in brazil who makes the CAIPIRINHA as you are teaching…
[..YouTube..] This is how it’s made in the US. How do you make in Brazil? I was in??? Rio and this is how the bartender made it on the Copa Beach.
[..YouTube..] This is how it’s??? made in the US. How do you make in Brazil? I was in Rio and this is how the bartender made it on the Copa Beach.
[..YouTube..] This is how it’s made in the US. How??? do you make in Brazil? I was in Rio and this is how the bartender made it on the Copa Beach.
[..YouTube..] This is how it’s made in??? the US. How do you make in Brazil? I was in Rio and this is how the bartender made it on the Copa Beach.
This is how it’s made in the US. How do you make in Brazil? I was in Rio and this is how the bartender made it on the Copa Beach.
[..YouTube..] This is how it’s made in the US. How do you make in Brazil? I was in Rio and this is how the bartender made it on the Copa Beach.
[..YouTube..] well the strange thing is … there is nothing else then … (*lime or limon) I dont know how do you guy call that … the green one and small one… then sugar .. and cachaca… to make it each people make in differents way … but the only thing that is made is that.. lime, sugar and cachaca, that is it… then the way that we make each person has different way.. I think i got a video but I am not sure If I got that I will send you to show you exactly what I am talking abt.. cheers
[..YouTube..] lol…u saying CACHA??A was just awesome!!!!! try like CAY – SA – SA !!!bwt I have to defend u cause in america is most like how u do it . I work as a bartender in a restaurant in USA and they told me to complete with Lemonade (soda) , as a brazilian i know it was wrong cause for the real taste u should complet with real lime juice kinda little light (water dissolved) . keep doing this awesome tutorial…thks
[..YouTube..] lol…u saying CACHA??A was just awesome!!!!! try like CAY – SA – SA !!!bwt I have to defend u cause in america is most like how u do it . I work as a bartender in a restaurant in USA and they told me to complete with Lemonade (soda) , as a brazilian i know it was wrong cause for the real taste u??? should complet with real lime juice kinda little light (water dissolved) . keep doing this awesome tutorial…thks
[..YouTube..] lol…u saying CACHA??A was just awesome!!!!! try like CAY – SA – SA !!!bwt I have to defend u cause in america is most like how u do it . I work as a bartender in a restaurant??? in USA and they told me to complete with Lemonade (soda) , as a brazilian i know it was wrong cause for the real taste u should complet with real lime juice kinda little light (water dissolved) . keep doing this awesome tutorial…thks
[..YouTube..] lol…u saying CACHA??A was just??? awesome!!!!! try like CAY – SA – SA !!!bwt I have to defend u cause in america is most like how u do it . I work as a bartender in a restaurant in USA and they told me to complete with Lemonade (soda) , as a brazilian i know it was wrong cause for the real taste u should complet with real lime juice kinda little light (water dissolved) . keep doing this awesome tutorial…thks
[..YouTube..] lol…u saying CACHA??A was just awesome!!!!! try like CAY – SA – SA !!!bwt I have to defend u cause in america is most like how u do it . I work as a bartender in a restaurant in USA and they told me to complete with Lemonade (soda) , as a brazilian i know it was wrong cause for the real taste u should complet with real lime juice kinda little light (water dissolved) . keep??? doing this awesome tutorial…thks
lol…u saying CACHA??A was just awesome!!!!! try like CAY – SA – SA !!!bwt I have to defend u cause in america is most like how u do it . I work as a bartender in a restaurant in USA and they told me to complete with Lemonade (soda) , as a brazilian i know it was wrong cause for the real taste u should complet with real lime juice kinda little light (water dissolved) . keep doing this awesome tutorial…thks
[..YouTube..] @dadajhowdadajhow CACHA??A??? seu analfabeto
[..YouTube..] @dadajhowdadajhow CACHA??A seu??? analfabeto
[..YouTube..] @dadajhowdadajhow??? CACHA??A seu analfabeto
[..YouTube..] CACHA??A seu analfabeto
CACHA??A seu analfabeto
[..YouTube..] @jtiano??? try to make it with vodka…
[..YouTube..] @jtiano try to??? make it with vodka…
[..YouTube..] @jtiano try to make??? it with vodka…
[..YouTube..] try to make it with vodka…
try to make it with vodka…
[..YouTube..] lol…u saying CACHA??A was just awesome!!!!! try like CAY – SA – SA !!!
bwt I have to defend u cause in america is most like how u do it . I work as a bartender in a restaurant in USA and they told me to complete with Lemonade (soda) , as a brazilian i know it was wrong cause for the real taste u should complet with real lime juice kinda little light (water dissolved) .
keep doing this awesome tutorial…thks
[..YouTube..] @dadajhowdadajhow CACHA??A seu analfabeto
[..YouTube..] @jtiano try to make it with vodka…
[..YouTube..] Why do the majority of americans struggle pronouncing words? ….caipi-what now?
[..YouTube..] Why do the majority of americans struggle pronouncing words? ….caipi-what??? now?
[..YouTube..] Why do the??? majority of americans struggle pronouncing words? ….caipi-what now?
[..YouTube..] Why do the majority of americans struggle pronouncing words???? ….caipi-what now?
Why do the majority of americans struggle pronouncing words? ….caipi-what now?
[..YouTube..] haha, “little baseball bat” 😀 thats a new one !
[..YouTube..] haha, “little baseball bat”??? 😀 thats a new one !
[..YouTube..] haha, “little baseball??? bat” 😀 thats a new one !
haha, “little baseball bat” 😀 thats a new one !
This is the funniest video ever. Jack, you are famous in the UK! Do a tour!
[..YouTube..] Guy…please…everthing about this is so wrong….
[..YouTube..] Guy…please…everthing??? about this is so wrong….
[..YouTube..] Guy…please…everthing about this is so??? wrong….
[..YouTube..] Guy…please…everthing about this is so wrong….???
Guy…please…everthing about this is so wrong….
[..YouTube..] How do you recommend it should be made?
[..YouTube..] How do you recommend it should be??? made?
[..YouTube..] How do you recommend it should be made????
[..YouTube..] How do you recommend??? it should be made?
How do you recommend it should be made?
[..YouTube..] have you even heard of stirring the drink in the end?
[..YouTube..] have you even heard of stirring the drink in the??? end?
[..YouTube..] have you even heard of stirring the drink in the end????
[..YouTube..] have??? you even heard of stirring the drink in the end?
[..YouTube..] have you even heard of??? stirring the drink in the end?
have you even heard of stirring the drink in the end?
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your kind words and support. Where are you’re drink video?
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your kind words and support. Where are you’re drink video????
Thanks for your kind words and support. Where are you’re drink video?
[..YouTube..] CONGRATULATIONThank you for spreading the good stuff from Brazil
[..YouTube..] CONGRATULATIONThank you for??? spreading the good stuff from Brazil
[..YouTube..] CONGRATULATIONThank you for spreading the good stuff??? from Brazil
[..YouTube..] CONGRATULATIONThank you for spreading the good stuff from Brazil???
[..YouTube..] CONGRATULATIONThank you??? for spreading the good stuff from Brazil
CONGRATULATIONThank you for spreading the good stuff from Brazil
that’s amazing, here we are going to see the king of the bartenders 🙂 Yabba dabba duuuuuuuuuuuuu 😛
[..YouTube..] This is the worst bartending video I have ever seen. I would immediately leave whatever bar I saw this done at and warn every drinker that comes into my bar.
[..YouTube..] This is the worst bartending video I have ever seen. I would immediately leave whatever bar I saw this done at and??? warn every drinker that comes into my bar.
[..YouTube..] This is the worst bartending video I have ever seen. I would immediately leave whatever bar I saw this done at and warn??? every drinker that comes into my bar.
[..YouTube..] This is??? the worst bartending video I have ever seen. I would immediately leave whatever bar I saw this done at and warn every drinker that comes into my bar.
[..YouTube..] This is the worst bartending video I have ever seen. I would immediately leave whatever bar I saw this done at and warn every drinker that comes??? into my bar.
This is the worst bartending video I have ever seen. I would immediately leave whatever bar I saw this done at and warn every drinker that comes into my bar.
[..YouTube..] With your bad attitude, I wouldn’t serve you a drink. Have you ever thought about taking a course in good manners?
[..YouTube..] With your bad attitude, I??? wouldn’t serve you a drink. Have you ever thought about taking a course in good manners?
[..YouTube..] With your bad attitude, I wouldn’t serve you a drink. Have you ever??? thought about taking a course in good manners?
[..YouTube..] With your bad attitude, I wouldn’t serve you a drink. Have you ever thought??? about taking a course in good manners?
With your bad attitude, I wouldn’t serve you a drink. Have you ever thought about taking a course in good manners?
[..YouTube..] @jtiano It should be made as if you know what you’re doing.
[..YouTube..] @jtiano It should be made as if you know what??? you’re doing.
[..YouTube..] @jtiano It should be made as if you know what you’re??? doing.
[..YouTube..] @jtiano It should??? be made as if you know what you’re doing.
[..YouTube..] It should be made as if you know what you’re doing.
It should be made as if you know what you’re doing.
I’m from Brazil, I can tell you that from step 1 to 3 was fine. But when he added soda and the other stuff i started to laugh. Caipirinha (kay-p-ri-nha or [kajpi??????j??]) is made with cacha??a (ka-xa-sa or [ka????as??]), lemon, sugar and ice. You can change cacha??a to vodka only. Other variants are pure attempt to change the soul of this cocktail.
[..YouTube..] it’s not really brandy? er, yeah. there’s a million things it’s NOT!!
[..YouTube..] It’s pronounced KA – SHA – SA.And the drink is a KIE – PER – EEN – YA.
[..YouTube..] It’s pronounced KA – SHA – SA.And the drink is a KIE – PER -??? EEN – YA.
[..YouTube..] It’s pronounced KA – SHA – SA.And the drink is a KIE – PER – EEN – YA.???
[..YouTube..] It’s pronounced KA – SHA – SA.And the drink??? is a KIE – PER – EEN – YA.
[..YouTube..] It’s pronounced KA??? – SHA – SA.And the drink is a KIE – PER – EEN – YA.
It’s pronounced KA – SHA – SA.And the drink is a KIE – PER – EEN – YA.
I’ve got to agree… soda? In a caipirinha? No way… It’s quite nice with rum instead of caipirinha, though, although technically this becomes a caipirissima…
[..YouTube..] Hahahaha!
[..YouTube..] Hahahaha!???
[..YouTube..] @jtiano Dude, this guy doesn’t even know how to pronounce the spirit or the drink. Looking it up and, “it’s not really rum, it’s not really brandy”? And adding sour mix in lieu of lime juice? Even if you don’t like my attitude, this video is retarded. This is one of the reasons that having “bartending school” on a resume gets you blacklisted at most respectable bars.
[..YouTube..] @jtiano Dude, this guy doesn’t even know how to pronounce the spirit or the drink. Looking it up and, “it’s not really rum, it’s not really brandy”? And adding sour mix in lieu of lime juice? Even if you don’t like my??? attitude, this video is retarded. This is one of the reasons that having “bartending school” on a resume gets you blacklisted at most respectable bars.
[..YouTube..] @jtiano Dude, this guy doesn’t even know how to pronounce the spirit or the drink. Looking it up and,??? “it’s not really rum, it’s not really brandy”? And adding sour mix in lieu of lime juice? Even if you don’t like my attitude, this video is retarded. This is one of the reasons that having “bartending school” on a resume gets you blacklisted at most respectable bars.
[..YouTube..] @jtiano Dude, this guy doesn’t even know how to pronounce the spirit or the drink. Looking it up and, “it’s not really rum, it’s not really brandy”? And adding sour mix in lieu of lime juice? Even if you don’t like my attitude, this video is retarded. This is one of the reasons??? that having “bartending school” on a resume gets you blacklisted at most respectable bars.
[..YouTube..] @jtiano Dude, this guy doesn’t even know how to pronounce the spirit or the drink. Looking it up and, “it’s not really rum, it’s not really brandy”? And adding sour mix in lieu??? of lime juice? Even if you don’t like my attitude, this video is retarded. This is one of the reasons that having “bartending school” on a resume gets you blacklisted at most respectable bars.
[..YouTube..] Dude, this guy doesn’t even know how to pronounce the spirit or the drink. Looking it up and, “it’s not really rum, it’s not really brandy”? And adding sour mix in lieu of lime juice? Even if you don’t like my attitude, this video is retarded. This is one of the reasons that having “bartending school” on a resume gets you blacklisted at most respectable bars.
Dude, this guy doesn’t even know how to pronounce the spirit or the drink. Looking it up and, “it’s not really rum, it’s not really brandy”? And adding sour mix in lieu of lime juice? Even if you don’t like my attitude, this video is retarded. This is one of the reasons that having “bartending school” on a resume gets you blacklisted at most respectable bars.
[..YouTube..] Thanks the kind words from a know nothing no it all.
[..YouTube..] Thanks the kind??? words from a know nothing no it all.
[..YouTube..] Thanks the kind words from??? a know nothing no it all.
[..YouTube..] Thanks the kind words from a know nothing no it all.???
Thanks the kind words from a know nothing no it all.
[..YouTube..] I learned this recipe from Brazil. Blame it on them.
[..YouTube..] I learned this??? recipe from Brazil. Blame it on them.
[..YouTube..] I learned this recipe from Brazil. Blame it??? on them.
[..YouTube..] I learned this recipe from Brazil. Blame it on them.???
I learned this recipe from Brazil. Blame it on them.
[..YouTube..] @jtiano you mean good but if you like i can write one to you knowIngredients for a Caipirinha???Sugar???Lime???CachacaQuantities for one drink???3 tsp Granulated Sugar??? Lime (4 cubes)??? 4 counts of Cachaca ???Muddle the sugar into the lime in an shaker???ice in to the shaker???Pour the cachaca into the shaker and shak about 10 or 12 timesthat one is 100% Brasilian and that is the way to make itHave fun!!!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano you mean good but if you like i can write one to you knowIngredients for a Caipirinha???Sugar???Lime???CachacaQuantities for one drink???3 tsp Granulated Sugar??? Lime (4 cubes)??? 4??? counts of Cachaca ???Muddle the sugar into the lime in an shaker???ice in to the shaker???Pour the cachaca into the shaker and shak about 10 or 12 timesthat one is 100% Brasilian and that is the way to make itHave fun!!!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano you mean good but if you like i can write one to you knowIngredients for a Caipirinha???Sugar???Lime???CachacaQuantities for one drink???3 tsp Granulated Sugar??? Lime (4 cubes)??? 4 counts of Cachaca ???Muddle the sugar into the lime in an shaker???ice in to the shaker???Pour the cachaca into the shaker and shak about 10 or 12 timesthat??? one is 100% Brasilian and that is the way to make itHave fun!!!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano you mean good but if you like i can write one to you knowIngredients for a Caipirinha???Sugar???Lime???CachacaQuantities for one drink???3 tsp Granulated Sugar??? Lime (4 cubes)??? 4 counts of Cachaca ???Muddle the sugar into the lime in an shaker???ice in to the shaker???Pour the cachaca into the shaker and shak about 10 or 12 timesthat one is 100% Brasilian and that is the way to make??? itHave fun!!!
[..YouTube..] @jtiano you mean good but if you like i can write one to you knowIngredients for a Caipirinha???Sugar???Lime???CachacaQuantities for one drink???3 tsp Granulated Sugar??? Lime (4 cubes)??? 4 counts of Cachaca ???Muddle the sugar into the lime in an??? shaker???ice in to the shaker???Pour the cachaca into the shaker and shak about 10 or 12 timesthat one is 100% Brasilian and that is the way to make itHave fun!!!
[..YouTube..] you mean good but if you like i can write one to you knowIngredients for a Caipirinha???Sugar???Lime???CachacaQuantities for one drink???3 tsp Granulated Sugar??? Lime (4 cubes)??? 4 counts of Cachaca ???Muddle the sugar into the lime in an shaker???ice in to the shaker???Pour the cachaca into the shaker and shak about 10 or 12 timesthat one is 100% Brasilian and that is the way to make itHave fun!!!
you mean good but if you like i can write one to you knowIngredients for a Caipirinha???Sugar???Lime???CachacaQuantities for one drink???3 tsp Granulated Sugar??? Lime (4 cubes)??? 4 counts of Cachaca ???Muddle the sugar into the lime in an shaker???ice in to the shaker???Pour the cachaca into the shaker and shak about 10 or 12 timesthat one is 100% Brasilian and that is the way to make itHave fun!!!
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the recipe. I need all the help I can get.
[..YouTube..] Thanks??? for the recipe. I need all the help I can get.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the recipe. I need??? all the help I can get.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the recipe. I need all??? the help I can get.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for the recipe. I need all the help I can??? get.
Thanks for the recipe. I need all the help I can get.
[..YouTube..] NEVER….PLEASE! N E V E R use sugar syrup for caipirinha! OMG…this video is terrible wrong!
[..YouTube..] NEVER….PLEASE! N E V E R use sugar syrup for caipirinha! OMG…this video is??? terrible wrong!
[..YouTube..] NEVER….PLEASE! N E V E R use??? sugar syrup for caipirinha! OMG…this video is terrible wrong!
[..YouTube..] NEVER….PLEASE! N E V E R use sugar syrup for caipirinha! OMG…this video is terrible??? wrong!
NEVER….PLEASE! N E V E R use sugar syrup for caipirinha! OMG…this video is terrible wrong!
[..YouTube..] If you don’t use sugar, the drink would be to sour from the lime juice. The video is right and you’re wrong.
[..YouTube..] If you??? don’t use sugar, the drink would be to sour from the lime juice. The video is right and you’re wrong.
[..YouTube..] If you don’t use sugar, the drink would be to sour from the lime juice. The video is right and??? you’re wrong.
[..YouTube..] If you don’t use sugar, the drink would be to sour from the lime juice. The??? video is right and you’re wrong.
If you don’t use sugar, the drink would be to sour from the lime juice. The video is right and you’re wrong.
[..YouTube..] This guy is an idiot. He can’t pronounce the name of the spirit (it’s NOT a liqueur).. Ka-Sha-Sa, not even the name of the drink “Kai-pi-rin-ya”. This guy has no business being anywhere near a bar let alone teaching people how to make drinks. Bartenders need to know as much about the history of the drinks as they do how to make them.
This guy is an idiot. He can’t pronounce the name of the spirit (it’s NOT a liqueur).. Ka-Sha-Sa, not even the name of the drink “Kai-pi-rin-ya”. This guy has no business being anywhere near a bar let alone teaching people how to make drinks. Bartenders need to know as much about the history of the drinks as they do how to make them.
[..YouTube..] Hey, what makes you an expert? Where are you’re videos showing people how to do things? Thanks for your kind words.
Hey, what makes you an expert? Where are you’re videos showing people how to do things? Thanks for your kind words.
In response to gosnooky He never stated in the video it was a liqueur.
And he corrected himself on when he pronounced the drink name
And he did give some history during his presentation
Maybe you need to watch the video again and correct yourself
I dont think you have any business making such remarks as you did.
Wait a second… are you the guy in this video?