Brandy Alexander Cocktail Drink Recipe
Fill mixing cup with ice, shake and strain ingredients into a chilled cocktail glass
- ‘? oz Brandy
- oz Dark Creme de cacao
2 oz cream
- Sprinkle with nutmeg
- shake
If you like the taste of eggnog with a hint of chocolate this is a good classic cocktail to try. Its great for after dinner try it instead of dessert. Become a bartender and start working as a bartender full or part time. In only 1 week you can be fully trained. Call American Bartending School at 800-736-1001
FriendlyFlirts _ COM J0in -> Search Friends -> Chat -> Cam -> much More ffqnos vimpsqvfb
[..YouTube..] FriendlyFlirts _ COM J0in -> Search Friends -> Chat -> Cam -> much More ffqnos vimpsqvfb
[..YouTube..] he reminds me of Michael Scott from The Office.
He reminds me of Creed
[..YouTube..] He reminds me of Creed
[..YouTube..] Brandy Alexander’s are made??? with dark creme de cacao. A clear creme Alexander is called a Panama.
[..YouTube..] Brandy Alexander’s are made with dark creme de cacao.??? A clear creme Alexander is called a Panama.
[..YouTube..] Brandy??? Alexander’s are made with dark creme de cacao. A clear creme Alexander is called a Panama.
[..YouTube..] Brandy Alexander’s are made with dark creme de cacao. A??? clear creme Alexander is called a Panama.
[..YouTube..] Brandy Alexander’s are made with dark creme de cacao. A clear creme Alexander is called a Panama.
[..YouTube..] That’s what??? she said.
[..YouTube..] That’s what she??? said.
That’s what she said.
[..YouTube..] That’s what she said.
[..YouTube..] si pop nu povr scem…o n’garr nu cocktail???nn sai??? usare il boston e sei un fanno a dire ke sei forte..mah..
[..YouTube..] si pop nu povr scem…o n’garr nu cocktail???nn sai usare il boston e sei un fanno??? a dire ke sei forte..mah..
[..YouTube..] si pop nu povr scem…o n’garr nu cocktail???nn sai usare il boston e sei un fanno a dire ke sei forte..mah..???
[..YouTube..] si pop nu povr scem…o n’garr nu cocktail???nn sai usare il boston e sei un fanno a dire ke??? sei forte..mah..
si pop nu povr scem…o n’garr nu cocktail???nn sai usare il boston e sei un fanno a dire ke sei forte..mah..
[..YouTube..] si pop nu povr scem…o n’garr nu cocktail???nn sai usare il boston e sei un fanno a dire ke sei forte..mah..
[..YouTube..] cut that crappy background music out??? please it’s awful
[..YouTube..] cut that crappy background music out please it’s awful???
[..YouTube..] cut that crappy background music out please it’s??? awful
[..YouTube..] cut??? that crappy background music out please it’s awful
cut that crappy background music out please it’s awful
[..YouTube..] cut that crappy background music out please it’s awful
[..YouTube..] wa frate??? hai arrewokato tutt nderr! ma ki ta mparat pepp o pazz?
[..YouTube..] wa frate hai arrewokato tutt nderr! ma ki??? ta mparat pepp o pazz?
[..YouTube..] wa frate hai arrewokato tutt nderr!??? ma ki ta mparat pepp o pazz?
[..YouTube..] wa frate hai arrewokato tutt??? nderr! ma ki ta mparat pepp o pazz?
wa frate hai arrewokato tutt nderr! ma ki ta mparat pepp o pazz?
[..YouTube..] wa frate hai arrewokato tutt nderr! ma ki ta mparat pepp o pazz?
[..YouTube..] where’s the??? nutmeg goddamn
[..YouTube..] where’s the nutmeg goddamn???
[..YouTube..] where’s??? the nutmeg goddamn
where’s the nutmeg goddamn
[..YouTube..] where’s the nutmeg goddamn
[..YouTube..] First off, you have to use dark creme de cacao for color. Second, you must sprinkle nutmeg on top of drink, or it’s not a brandy alexander. Third, the guy’s half drunk at this point.
[..YouTube..] You are correct the original recipe calls for dark creme de cacao and nutmeg. I have modified the recipe because??? most bars only stock the white creme de cacao and don’t bother to keep nutmeg around.
[..YouTube..] You are correct the original recipe calls for dark creme de cacao and nutmeg. I have modified??? the recipe because most bars only stock the white creme de cacao and don’t bother to keep nutmeg around.
[..YouTube..] You are correct the original recipe calls for dark creme de cacao and nutmeg. I have modified the recipe because most bars only stock the white creme de cacao and don’t bother to keep nutmeg??? around.
[..YouTube..] You are??? correct the original recipe calls for dark creme de cacao and nutmeg. I have modified the recipe because most bars only stock the white creme de cacao and don’t bother to keep nutmeg around.
You are correct the original recipe calls for dark creme de cacao and nutmeg. I have modified the recipe because most bars only stock the white creme de cacao and don’t bother to keep nutmeg around.
You are correct the original recipe calls for dark creme de cacao and nutmeg. I have modified the recipe because most bars only stock the white creme de cacao and don’t bother to keep nutmeg around.
[..YouTube..] You are correct the original recipe calls for dark creme de cacao and nutmeg. I have modified the recipe because most bars only stock the white creme de cacao and don’t bother to keep nutmeg around.
[..YouTube..] Your not supposed to drink before you start teaching us how to mix it uoLOL
[..YouTube..] thanks man for posting this video, It’s really useful for me at this time as I enrolled a bartender course not long ago. I’ve been surprised, the course takes 1 or 2 weeks in the USA. I live in an Eastern European country, and it takes here over than 3 months. I think, that’s sure the most important is??? to get much experiences when you are on duty, if you what i mean. Well, You help a lot me with this video as i really dislike to learn the recipes from books, it’s better to watch it for me!
[..YouTube..] thanks man for posting this video, It’s really useful for me at this time as I enrolled a bartender course not long ago. I’ve been surprised, the course takes 1 or 2 weeks in the USA. I live in an Eastern European country, and it takes here over than 3 months. I think, that’s sure the most important is to get much experiences when you are on duty, if you what i mean. Well, You help a lot me with this video as i really dislike to learn the recipes from books, it’s better??? to watch it for me!
[..YouTube..] thanks man for posting this video, It’s??? really useful for me at this time as I enrolled a bartender course not long ago. I’ve been surprised, the course takes 1 or 2 weeks in the USA. I live in an Eastern European country, and it takes here over than 3 months. I think, that’s sure the most important is to get much experiences when you are on duty, if you what i mean. Well, You help a lot me with this video as i really dislike to learn the recipes from books, it’s better to watch it for me!
[..YouTube..] thanks man for posting this video, It’s really useful for me at this time as I enrolled a bartender course not long ago. I’ve been surprised, the course takes 1 or 2 weeks in the USA. I live in an Eastern European country, and it takes here over than 3 months. I think, that’s sure the most important is to get much experiences when you are on duty, if you what i mean. Well, You help a lot me with this video as i really dislike to learn the recipes from books, it’s??? better to watch it for me!
thanks man for posting this video, It’s really useful for me at this time as I enrolled a bartender course not long ago. I’ve been surprised, the course takes 1 or 2 weeks in the USA. I live in an Eastern European country, and it takes here over than 3 months. I think, that’s sure the most important is to get much experiences when you are on duty, if you what i mean. Well, You help a lot me with this video as i really dislike to learn the recipes from books, it’s better to watch it for me!
[..YouTube..] yeh and I forgot??? to write, this cocktail is my favourite one.
[..YouTube..] yeh and??? I forgot to write, this cocktail is my favourite one.
yeh and I forgot to write, this cocktail is my favourite one.
[..YouTube..] thanks man for posting this video, It’s really useful for me at this time as I enrolled a bartender course not long ago. I’ve been surprised, the course takes 1 or 2 weeks in the USA. I live in an Eastern European country, and it takes here over than 3 months. I think, that’s sure the most important is to get much experiences when you are on duty, if you what i mean. Well, You help a lot me with this video as i really dislike to learn the recipes from books, it’s better to watch it for me!
[..YouTube..] yeh and I forgot to write, this cocktail is my favourite one.
[..YouTube..] Very interesting video! Thank you!??? 🙂
[..YouTube..] Very??? interesting video! Thank you! 🙂
Very interesting video! Thank you! 🙂
[..YouTube..] Very interesting video! Thank you! 🙂
[..YouTube..] Can you make the music louder please? ??? I can still hear the instructor.
[..YouTube..] Can you make the music??? louder please? I can still hear the instructor.
[..YouTube..] Can you make the??? music louder please? I can still hear the instructor.
Can you make the music louder please? I can still hear the instructor.
[..YouTube..] Can you make the music louder please? I can still hear the instructor.
[..YouTube..] take??? two
[..YouTube..] take two???
take two
[..YouTube..] take two
[..YouTube..] music??? is not loud enough
[..YouTube..] music is not??? loud enough
[..YouTube..] music is not loud enough???
[..YouTube..] music is not loud??? enough
music is not loud enough
[..YouTube..] music is not loud enough
[..YouTube..] top??? with shake of nutmeg!
[..YouTube..] top with shake of nutmeg!???
[..YouTube..] top with shake of??? nutmeg!
top with shake of nutmeg!
[..YouTube..] top with shake of nutmeg!
[..YouTube..] that one does not look good at all.. Youre supposed to shake it a little bit longer and stronger than the instructor did here.. That??? looks like dirty water or something..
[..YouTube..] that one does not look good at all.. Youre??? supposed to shake it a little bit longer and stronger than the instructor did here.. That looks like dirty water or something..
[..YouTube..] that one does not look good at all.. Youre supposed to shake it??? a little bit longer and stronger than the instructor did here.. That looks like dirty water or something..
[..YouTube..] that one??? does not look good at all.. Youre supposed to shake it a little bit longer and stronger than the instructor did here.. That looks like dirty water or something..
that one does not look good at all.. Youre supposed to shake it a little bit longer and stronger than the instructor did here.. That looks like dirty water or something..
[..YouTube..] that one does not look good at all.. Youre supposed to shake it a little bit longer and stronger than the instructor did here.. That looks like dirty water or something..
[..YouTube..] crap shake
[..YouTube..] crap??? shake
[..YouTube..] crap shake???
crap shake
[..YouTube..] I think the instructor needs to go to bar school…
[..YouTube..] I think the instructor??? needs to go to bar school…
[..YouTube..] I??? think the instructor needs to go to bar school…
[..YouTube..] I think the instructor needs to go to bar school…???
I think the instructor needs to go to bar school…
[..YouTube..] give up this job please))) ….firstly you have to tell how to make this cocktail and give information about cocktail…dont tel while you making….because ??ce and drinks getting mixig while you telling cocktail..dont take long times to make cocktail…respect your drinks
[..YouTube..] give up this job??? please))) ….firstly you have to tell how to make this cocktail and give information about cocktail…dont tel while you making….because ??ce and drinks getting mixig while you telling cocktail..dont take long times to make cocktail…respect your drinks
[..YouTube..] give up this job please))) ….firstly you have to tell how to??? make this cocktail and give information about cocktail…dont tel while you making….because ??ce and drinks getting mixig while you telling cocktail..dont take long times to make cocktail…respect your drinks
[..YouTube..] give up this job please))) ….firstly you have to tell how to make this cocktail and give information about cocktail…dont tel while you making….because ??ce and drinks getting mixig??? while you telling cocktail..dont take long times to make cocktail…respect your drinks
[..YouTube..] give up this job please))) ….firstly you have to tell how to make this cocktail and give information??? about cocktail…dont tel while you making….because ??ce and drinks getting mixig while you telling cocktail..dont take long times to make cocktail…respect your drinks
give up this job please))) ….firstly you have to tell how to make this cocktail and give information about cocktail…dont tel while you making….because ??ce and drinks getting mixig while you telling cocktail..dont take long times to make cocktail…respect your drinks
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your comments. If you don’t like my videos don’t watch.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your comments.??? If you don’t like my videos don’t watch.
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your comments. If you don’t like my videos don’t watch.???
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your comments. If you??? don’t like my videos don’t watch.
Thanks for your comments. If you don’t like my videos don’t watch.
[..YouTube..] the original recipe called for nutmeg
[..YouTube..] the original recipe called for??? nutmeg
[..YouTube..] the original recipe called for nutmeg???
[..YouTube..] the original recipe??? called for nutmeg
the original recipe called for nutmeg
[..YouTube..] lol who new you could become a professional in just 2 weeks. Thanks for the vid do you have any suggestions on other drinks you can make with brandy?
[..YouTube..] lol who new you could become a professional in just 2 weeks. Thanks for the vid do you have??? any suggestions on other drinks you can make with brandy?
[..YouTube..] lol who new you could become a professional in just 2 weeks. Thanks for the vid do you have any??? suggestions on other drinks you can make with brandy?
[..YouTube..] lol who new you could become a professional in just 2 weeks. Thanks for the vid do??? you have any suggestions on other drinks you can make with brandy?
[..YouTube..] lol who new you could become a professional in just 2 weeks.??? Thanks for the vid do you have any suggestions on other drinks you can make with brandy?
lol who new you could become a professional in just 2 weeks. Thanks for the vid do you have any suggestions on other drinks you can make with brandy?
[..YouTube..] @snowman666killa brandy manhattan, stinger,
[..YouTube..] @snowman666killa ??? brandy manhattan, stinger,
[..YouTube..] @snowman666killa brandy??? manhattan, stinger,
[..YouTube..] @snowman666killa brandy manhattan, stinger,???
[..YouTube..] @snowman666killa??? brandy manhattan, stinger,
[..YouTube..] brandy manhattan, stinger,
[..YouTube..] brandy manhattan, stinger,
brandy manhattan, stinger,
[..YouTube..] I used to shake cocktails like you but then I took an arrow in the knee…
I used to shake cocktails like you but then I took an arrow in the knee…
[..YouTube..] Thanks
[..YouTube..] @EEPALE Cinnamon for goodness sake !
[..YouTube..] Cinnamon for goodness sake !
Cinnamon for goodness sake !